The Big In-Game Sale in War Thunder!

“Packs with rare vehicles” that mean only ww2 packs that are not available in the store anymore, just those? Or normal packs too? @Stona_WT

We’ll tell you about the contents of these packs, as well as the size of the discounts soon.


So you can’t buy a pack for 50% off and then get a GE vehicle for 50% making a 75% off total.

You can, just get one or more packs for 50% off on May 6th-13th in Gaijin Store then wait for the next ingame GE vehicles 50% sale(Anniversary sale in October/November).

Interesting tactics let’s give premium days sale but let’s not give ge sale in the same time but let’s do it after it.

They are doing that so you wont buy GE for 50% and than buy with those GE premium days for ANOTHER 50% off

As if that matters, it’s all pure profit, they’d make more money.

I accidently didn’t write that they dont want you to buy the premium days with the same 50% GE you have already bought for 50%. edited it now. hope it is clearer to understand!

yeah thats the thing. you have to wait for 6 months

No, just the Anniversary Sale(best of all sales), the Summer Sale(#3) is not as good as the Victory Day Sale(#2) either . . a lot of players got the idea that the Summer Sale was another big sale, it really isn’t. Half price premium discounts are only available twice a year(not during the Summer Sale) or at least this has been the trend for several years now anyway.

Discounts have never “stacked” . . . so just use the best one available to you at the time of purchase.

Yes, or you can simply pay the 30% off price, it’s your choice. I still got the GE from packs from the Winter sale, now I can decide if I spend it on 30% off ingame vehicles or if I keep waiting to get the ones I want even cheaper, it’s not as if I’m lacking other vehicles to play. I’ll probably just wait for the pack sale on May 6th.

Reality says NO.

Hey Devs,

one question: (Look at the F-15A)

Since the discount applies to “ALL VEHICLES” why is the F-15A not discounted?
TIA. :)

It was released within the last 3 updates. It’s not going on sale. They said that any vehicle added within the last 3 updates isn’t on sale

Well it’s generally the last 3 updates. That’s the only thing I could think of

So its May 6th and no news…cmon Gaijin.

On 11 gtm time… 2 more hours.


BTW, MiG-23 is getting nerfed, people. keep that in mind. 20-30% turn rate reduction

Is this official?
Maybe just some roumorus… I was thinking to get mig23 if 50% off.
What should i buy? I allready have sua researched, i’m interested only in jets.