The Big In-Game Sale in War Thunder!

Wouldn’t that just drive more sales in theory?

Maybe, I am not sure

Well there are two motivations to do that:

1 is frustration, frustrated players may part with money because they feel unable to wait.

2 is that actually Gaijin doesn’t really want large sales volumes, because premiums clog the matchmaker and degrade the gameplay experience. So it’s somewhat better for them if less people pay through the nose.

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1 is frustration, frustrated players may part with money because they feel unable to wait.

2 is that actually Gaijin doesn’t really want large sales volumes, because premiums clog the matchmaker and degrade the gameplay experience. So it’s somewhat better for them if less people pay through the nose.

I can’t speak from the first one, that seems insane to me that anyone responds to a situation like that by spending money.

I also don’t believe snail cares when premiums already ruin the game as is, with zero effort to mitigate it, and in fact they outright refuse to uptier things like the 2S38 because of the money it’s making and pretend it’s a bad vehicle.


It’s like this but instead of an external child it’s your own internal sense of frustration. Why do you think the RP earnings are so low for a succesful match? Calculated rate of progression designed to strike a balance between what players want and a calculated irritation factor that will get players to cave in and cough up.

Sure, but that’s because there are other motivations that may prevail in certain circumstances. Doesn’t mean there’s no motivation, IIRC Gaijin even stated at some point what I said about premiums clogging the matchmaker.

But profit/income vs deteriorating gameplay experience is certainly an equation being considered. Sales are of course arbitrary, remember the furor surrounding the 2023 Summer sales excluding ranks above V?

Contrasting to every summer sale before. Which had 40-50% discounts on EVERY rank of pack then available.

Surely a part of that was the calculation that they could easily get more money from less sales.

BTW 2S38 isn’t even the worst offender, the worst offender is Ju 288 C with no contest. You genuinely can’t play Air RB in 5.0-7.0 without loads of those in the teams. If you’re in 6.0 then maybe half or three quarters of a team is likely to be just Ju 288 C.

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I don’t think so. I’m really hope they didn’t

I ignored any GE, Premium etc and simply offloaded some SL to clear up a backlog of vehicle purchase.

36 added to my ranks, 4,4750,280SL spent, 2,037,12SL saved.

Plus 2 more vehicles I can’t buy thanks to them moving around the trees in updates and now suffering from broken research lines.

Theres a lot of low tier, foldered or bombers I’ll never use, but still a lot of lineups to tweak yet again and crews to train and elite…even the non-grind is a grind!

Calculated rate of progression designed to strike a balance between what players want and a calculated irritation factor that will get players to cave in and cough up.

Whenever snail screws me over the last think I want to do is financially reward them for doing so.

BTW 2S38 isn’t even the worst offender, the worst offender is Ju 288 C with no contest. You genuinely can’t play Air RB in 5.0-7.0 without loads of those in the teams. If you’re in 6.0 then maybe half or three quarters of a team is likely to be just Ju 288 C.

When things like this exist I really can’t take the idea seriously that Gaijin cares about this when they can make money instead. The entire 10 BR range is dominated by premiums, massive uptier blackholes that completely ruin 9.3 lineups but somehow they care.

Just seems like poor business decisions, if you have everything on sale people can consider buying a few packs to get GE and spend that on more packs, now it’s not even worth considering when we don’t even know what vehicles will be on sale.


Yeah but if they wanted money they’d just slash the prices globally since the biggest earners are mobile games that have microtransaction models.

Think about mobile games which charge 50 Euro-cent as the cheapest purchase.

War Thunder won’t really let you spend less than 1 Euro on 150 GE which can’t even buy a modification above rank III, realistically the minimum spend is 5-10 Euro on a starter pack, or like 25 Euro on a Rank IV pack.

Gaijin wants revenue without sales volume, clearly. They prefer that less people pay more.

Gaijin wants revenue without sales volume, clearly. They prefer that less people pay more.

Which is questionable and seemingly illogic, the whole event structure seems illogical and them throwing money away.

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Except Gaijin knows that:

So their markettering strategy reflects that.

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Less people pay more because of their pricing strategy that only appeals the the minority.

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According to Gaijin 70% of users don’t buy anything…

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Can someone tell me what packs are on sale? I don’t have access to my console right now and won’t for several hours

Yeah… I find that difficult to believe when you cannot play a single match without a plethora of premium vehicles in it.
They also never specified what that 70% is made up out of.

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If I understand it correctly, no packs are on sale as part of this sale (although some packs like the VIDAR went on sale a few days ago on Playstation)

So until the 6th of may only Premium time, GE vehicles and talismans are on sale, and then on the 6th of may the premium vehicles/packs go on sale

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The point being that premiums make more sense the higher BR you want to achieve. If you’re a guy who is going to play 5,000 matches in the Panther D, premiums serve very little purpose. WW2 larpers basically don’t need to pay anything because their lineups and vehicles are trivially easy to achieve, compared to the higher BR equipment.

Meanwhile grinding any entire tree completely F2P will almost certainly send someone insane.

Top tier is where the most effective/efficient premiums are for the price and are also the very same areas you de-facto require as many premiums as possible, premium time, more crew slots, aced crews etc. Top tier is expensive.

Which doesn’t explain why you’d not allow people to spend more money on sales, or why you’d make event vehicles impossible to obtain when you’re selling digital products with practically zero production costs… easier to obtain event vehicles would be a win for everyone.

And buying a singular top tier premium is already a big expense, add in 10 nations that’s $700… add in air that’s another $700… add in helis that’s another $700, add in naval that’s another $700 and you still have no lineups, no crews etc.

Whut Trista sayed.

They do it because they can. They have a captive customer base that is inelastic of price.

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Becuase discounting GE is a way to give people more bang for buck.

The ideal scenario is that after getting your nice discounted pack, you’ll spend your GE before the next GE sale comes along.

It’s intentional, plain and simple.

Why do you think there are sometimes 30% sales? Premiums aren’t on sale for 2-3 major updates?

So that someone goes “Ahh screw it.” and does the suboptimal behaviour and buys stuff without waiting for the discount.