The art of kill denial

Will keep this short:

Let’s say that you start a battle and right before reaching the capture point, you’re killed by someone who already flanked you. Or let’s say that you spawn a second time and also die within seconds. Or it’s less than a minute into the battle and your team is already struggling to as much as leave the spawn point.

Well, let’s face it: you’re playing against players much better than you. Or just maybe the other team has less bad players. Or both.

The point is, once you’ve been shot right at the start, or can’t make any progress upon a second spawn, odds are already against you and there is no point to keep trying. You died right of the bat? Time to play Kill Denial.

Don’t respawn. Don’t feed them kills. Just quit and go play some other nation while your crews cool down (you should have two nations on the grind, anyway, since top BR grind will kill your fun and you will need middle BR fun to keep going).

If the odds are bad… play kill denial. Don’t give them kills. They can’t kill you if you don’t spawn, period, and your time is better used not feeding easy kills to whoever the matchmaker threw your way. Switch nation and try to have some fun instead.

Mind you, Kill Denial is not the same as one death quitting. Everybody hates that. You must at least try and test the waters. But also must learn when it’s time to stop trying, even if that time is when you just died on your first spawn for 120 XP because someone moved at optimal speed to a optimal sniping position he’s practiced for the last 20 battles in that same map and is gonna flank and shoot down 12 of yours before the points run out and your misery ends.

Play kill Denial, let the top players kill each other if they can. Don’t feed them any more kills than strictly necessary to tell that your odds are zil and it’s time to grind some other nation.


doesnt look short to me


Okay, so they get more RP than you and they don’t have to deal with you.
Not sure why you’re choosing to lose out on RP as well as letting them win.


“Someone is better than You so instead of getting better, stop playing”

Made me laugh.

On the ground against ground units You always have a chance. It is up to You to use it.


Then you just lose two lives for no gain.

How about you recognise a heavy duty arse kicking coming your way early like a good player can and prepare for it buy selecting a heavy beast or SP gun and lying in wait for the enemy rush and taking two or three down with you and getting something from the game ,maybe even top spot.

You might get more kills in a game like that then if you are part of a team so good that they greedily take all the kills and you get nothing.
Who knows how a game will pan out for you personally until the end?


The most important thing a player WT needs to learn is patience


I was a bit surprised to see that this was written by someone with over 32.000 battles and not by a disillusioned rookie. If you stopped listening to your own advice, you’d probably be one of the “top players” you are running away from. While there certainly are moments in a battle where respawning does no longer make sense, you seem to rob yourself of the chance to improve.


I can rage quit like anybody else but in most cases I am a fool to do it as some of my worse starts have become my best games.My highest personal scores from games we lost as a team. No doubt you have had the same experience.
Also many of us may be looking to complete battle pass tasks and if trying to get kills with an SP is you challenge then what could be better than an stampede of clowns on your spawn point? As you say, read the game, get into a nice spot for whats coming and and wait.

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If you get your spawn pushed by tanks you can wait until they drive into it, kill a few of them and still win the match. Usually the team that dominated at first wins but like 1/3 spawn pushes result in your team getting overconfident and dying.

If you get spawncamped by aircraft you should just leave the game.

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This is the sad thing about games being too short.I have seen some amazing comeback possibility about to happen and the game ends.Real shame.Some games seem so incredibly short.

True ,in many cases when you are CAS spammed you might as well go.
Another reason for a version of GRB with no CAS.



If you go to spot they won’t expect you in you can ambush them to help your respawning teammates encircle the spawncampers. You’ll rarely survive but always get a >1KD while doing so.

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This is why 2 cap modes are the best for gameplay. Light tanks can’t cap rush to get CAS early and you can win the game by yourself by defending only 1 cap point even if your team lets you down.

Ticket bleed with 3 caps is way too fast IMO.

What an amazing game this would be if you didn’t have to worry about CAS killing you immediately after respawning.


I am no War Thunder superman but I did set up a Yag once on the Japan map up in the hills by our spawn and bagged five as they over ran us ,they came rushing in for kills ,they weren’t even looking. That action took me to eight kills and top from about 12th.I doubt I would have got that if we had won the game.

I imagine if you timed it right with a Pe8 you could have fun. An enemy rushing you does provide options.


Turning a match around when you’re the last one on your team truly is peak War Thunder but sadly the games are just not set up to be won by anything other than rushing in and winning by numbers.

Wiping out the whole enemy team and your remaining mates with them would be funny to watch. I love the Pe-8 it’s such a retarded aircraft. You can literally slam it into the ground at 500kph and nothing on it breaks except for 3/4 props.

Ddue, I’ve quit deluding myself about being able to as much as tell a tank from a random shadow before the “shadow” one shots me…

What I’ve learned, though, is that it’s not worth it to keep rushing towards a stonewall of friendly incompetence and opponent competence. Specially when it’s that time of the weekend when players from Asia log in. So once the situation is clear, just deny them kills.

Growing tired of being rolled over is a thing, just switch nations and BR and try and have some fun if the matchmaker gods allow.

I didn’t day stop playing, I did say to try another BR and nation rather than lose 5 vehicles to no gain. Also, after god knows how much hours, battles and time, my eyesight, reaction time, accuracy and situational awareness will not improve.

Not burning out is also a skill in a game where rewards are sparse.

Peak War Thunder ,I like that phrase. I think that is all so many of us want because it’s an amazing thing on the odd occasions we get to experience it.

Don’t let the game fall into the hands of the stupid it would be a great shame.

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There is no gain if You don’t want to have it.

As ground unit You always have a chance against other ground unit.

Tell me how to defeat a Leopard 2A4 in a Chaparral please.

Please provide the video/server replay You promised long time ago and we can have that discussion ;).