The Ariete, the new premium and the awful armour

Which has resulted in us being stuck with a 2020 Leopard 2A7V that uses the armour values of a late '80s prototype Leopard 2. Oh wait! It actually doesn’t even reach that low standard because of how terribly it’s been implemented!

Not to mention the fact that multiple secondary sources have been provided that state the armour should be significantly better than it is. Obviously, these were rejected.

Curiously, the T-90M seems to have gotten plenty of armour upgrades over it’s '90s counterparts dispite the fact that it’s internal armour composition is not publicly available either:

Sources state armour improvements took place with vehicles such as the Strv 122B+, M1A2 SEP v2, etc.: Just guesstimate a darn figure! Gaijin has done it plenty of times in the past including using MBT-80 values as an approximation for the Challenger 1 as stated in the relevant Dev Blog at that time.

I’m just so tired of the double standards, and I get the feeling I’m not alone in that.

Like I’ve told you before, Gaijin is likely to see another negative review wave on Steam if this issue reaches another boiling point in the community.


They gonna try gaslight and playdown like before


CL round with a 5s reload and good thermals can’t be at 11.0 at the moment. Base Ariete would sit just a single BR step below it, which isn’t fair.

In my opinion 11.3 is a much better place for it.


Usually they just don’t respond (further).


It is good to know that the devs are open to suggestions and reports.

On the topic of this discussion, we do in fact have a bug report on the Ariete with estimates.
Would it please be possible to know if the developers have looked at it and whether they have something planned for this Italian MBT? With the addition of the Certezza it would be a great time to know more.


This report has been raised again with the feedback for the current major, to bring it to attention again.


I don’t think the answer was unfair per se, at the end of the day that’s how bug reporting works.
I posted these two screenshots just to underline that maybe there’s a way to calculate more or less what the armor is made of(having the dimensions I think you could try to multiply the volume with the specific weight of steel and see how far off you are, or at least I think this was what Roshindow was proposing more or less.)

Here the problem isn’t Smin’s answer, that’s totally fair considering the framework, but the fact that this issue hasn’t been resolved in too many years but was only aggravated by correcting the tonnage of the armor pack.


Someone at Gaijin needs to eat a good Bucatini all’Amatriciana.


I bet that if a dev came to eat at my grandma’s house he would 100% start showing love it Italy. 😭


don’t worry italy will get some leopard like france cause why would they fix anything


Lets not go there with ammunitions its blatantly obvious gaijin do not care about what ammunitions tanks historically have and dont now.
Look at the shir 2 for example, its now been proven it was discontinued before L23A1 (L23 is L23A1)
went near trials. even if we assume the L23 is a prototype L23A1 it still only went into trials in the 80s after the Shir 2 was discontinued.

Or the fact you have tanks missing half their ammunition selections for most trees as a way to balance

I absolutely love italian MBTs, OF40 series, and the arietes but the arietes just are not worth it at all are they. imagine paying what? 70 quid for this tank and its 11.7 n nearly useless.


Its not just italian players. Genuinely as @DrJorus said , the approach to modern MBTs needs a rework, every single “modern” MBT in the game have massive lists of bug reports, chinese, american, german, british, russian, italian, isreali and japanese.

Both air and ground for the BRs above around 10.7 are absolutely ridiculous man.


Genuinely a reason why ive stopped even bothering with anything past 9.3, at this stage not one tank is historically accurate to how it should be.

Look at the leopards, the challangers, the abrams, leclers type 10s etc. theyre all pitiful compared to how they perform IRL.

Its shambolic and insulting to the players, and nations themselves. The game claims to be realistic but then dogs about it as if no one really cares.


i hope they will put the correct armor values by the time they will add the detailed modules like the abrams and leo2


As an Italian I am very disappointed with how Gaijin is managing this situation of the new Premium Ariete. It is not worth spending money for this wagon if they will not fix it


The italian P47 has airbrakes so it’s the best 5.0 P47.
The OF40 Mk.1 is better than the leopard 1 in every way possible but it’s at the same BR.
That’s about it.

Chinese D30 also has air brakes now)


been waiting for a new ariete to come to the game for bloody ages. mainly one with the camo nets cause whats not to love about that. absolutely ridiculous how its a premium though. italy top tier suffers enough. hopefully with all the new players using this theyl pay more attention to the thousands of bug reports and maybe even give the older arietes their cl3143 round back since dm53 is crap in comparison. and maybe down the line theyl add both the armour kits to the AMV since its pretty pointless even existing in its current state. all the survivability and decorations removed from it just for it to weigh the same as the other ones lmao


I was hoping on a fix for the armor if they wanted to sell a 70 euro premium tank
but like this? It isn’t worth the money.