Unfortunate, but thats probs best case scenario, its also entirely possible gaijin just never fixes it because they just dont feel like it, seeing as the F-14 is already rapidly falling into irrelevancy in the players eyes and the F-14D likely wont change that
I’ll see if I can sort that out for you this afternoon. I’ll get something on the CBR so you’ve some visibility on it.
Im hoping lofting is fixed with more fox 3s coming, since currently with air to air missiles something weird with their guidance code makes it so high lofting makes them miss, would also be nice for late sparrows which loft at 30 degrees for 1/3 of their estimated time to target
The high lofting missing thing could easily be fixed by just making a time to target dependent lofting code like the Sparrows time to target dependent max G pull where the loft angle could be reduced as the missile approaches the target, but apparently thats too much work or something
preeeeeettty much, thats why I think theyll do it when we get more lofting BVRAAMs since it will magically move up the priority list of changes to fix.
Thats IF they fix lofting for the new BVRAAM’s, seeing as the R-77 doesn’t loft apparently, so they probs wont bother modelling it properly for missiles that do loft
Wouldnt be suprised if they let the R-77 loft too tho, seeing as theyre already going to buff the shit out of it in-game by giving it favourable aerodynamics that will make it not shit the bed in subsonic/transonic launches
I presume it is just the absolute deltaV of the missile, which can be computed fom the start/end mass and thrust values. In reality drag means it would not acheive that in atmosphere. OFC an issue alongside that is modeling motor-on drag reduction, I don’t think AIM-54 does.
This one is already linked to the report internally, any updates will be added here.
Nah theres no drag reduction from motor being in operation vs off. Theres also no increase in thrust from reductions in atmospheric pressure. Its weird both those features arent being modelled tbh…
Considering your mention the old forums wont be around forever, would you recommend I make a copy of the AN/AXX-1 TCS bug report I originally made on the old forums as well?
I won’t recommended recreating bugs over and over. It will just get messy. I’ll keep an eye on that one too and just update this thread.
Much appreciated, always a pleasure dealing with you for bug reports!
dV is theoretical maximum acceleration excluding air resistance = in vacuum.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ok.
Itd be interesting to maybe get a dV value along preset game relevant launch conditions then, itd be a much better reference to interact with to compare missile then no? Otherwise it seems to make high drag missiles “seem” a lot better than they actually are in terms of dV
Something like dV from a M1.0 launch at 5000m altitude as thatd be a pretty reasonable launch condition in air RB
There is a user made app, that tries to do all these things. It is not accurate according to MiG-23M though. It also has a localhost connection, so when you play in battle, you can view your launch conditions in real time (max range, max speed, etc)
That user app is fascinating, but on the live calculation what is the Projected impact? Distance to target by the time the missile reaches the target? I assume localhost doesn’t provide information about other aircraft.
interesting, ill take a look at it later
To be honest, I didn’t use it in quite some time. This is new, will have to investigate.