The AIM-120 'AMRAAM' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

You never heard of maximum effective range? What about weapon employment zone?

Yes, there is a max range and a max effective range in every ballistic weapon system that was ever devised by man.

One example is that many missiles’ motors can take it much farther than that of the launching aircrafts radar can even guide it. Therefore, technically the missile has a maximum range, but its effectiveness is limited by many factors such as the example provided.

Another example is aircraft range. Just because an aircraft has a maximum range does not mean it’s combat effective that entire range. Range means just as far as the aircraft can fly before falling out of the sky. What matters is called Combat Radius. Same principle.

A thing to consider is that missiles don’t start from zero velocity like the balls in those simulations. Also air resistance by altitude and velocity is to be considered.

I would say that a lofting trajectory is still desirable, even in a look-down, close range scenario.

The objective is to have a reasonably high Pk with the lowest Time to Target(so the target can’t react, and limits penetration depth), so lofting isn’t always ideal if you don’t need to store the energy for a long range intercept, outside of it being a design decision to confer top attack characteristics to the warhead / penetrator for effect on the target to bypass defenses (e.g. Radar / RWR search volume, etc.) or to ensure functionality (e.g. AGM-45 / -78 / -88, etc.).

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excellent info, it also seems like the “no escape range” of the 120B seems to be 18.5km

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No, but when replicating the same exact scenario at the same exact distances and starting speeds it might be optimal for the missile to take a faster path. Especially when target is well within the no-escape-zone.

The new missile tracking camera that was added with the latest update is very nice.

Am I remembering wrong, or is the missile POV distance to target changed to be relative to the missile now? I swear when looking through the missile tracking camera the distance to target was always shown as distance from the plane not the missile. In the above video you can see the aircraft radar distance in addition.

I’ve never heard of maximum effective range specifically, though there are terms like it. Though “maximum effective range” is more of an oxymoron than anything.
As for “maximum possible range”, there are many other names for it too, though I cannot think of any legitimate scene where it has been used.

Any ARH missile’s range isn’t defined by its aircraft’s radar performance, but it’s A pole and eventual extended flight range.

Combat range / radius has nothing to do with this topic, as that’s dependent on dozens of other factors.
Not once do I remember fuel, AEW, or accompanying suites being mentioned in this thread.

Yeah it used to be relative to the plane.

The camera has always existed, and I remember it fondly in 1.47 when bombing was a rage.

They have changed it so target range is based on the camera’s position, instead of aircraft or missile. Before, a second view position was created but it would still relay distance based off of the primary position, being your vehicle.
Now it’s based on the missile, making effects now render (still no player vehicles, sadly) based on missile position.

The side effect to this change is that the game, and all of its sounds, now terminate any player views whenever tabbed out.
This causes the turret to rotate to a default position, sounds to disconnect from the vehicle, and if streaming / recording, the entire game freezes whenever it is no in focus.

As I thought then, this will be very useful for calculating missile performance.

I’m very aware I’ve been playing since 2013. They changed with this last update to track the intended targets.

Wait, really?? I’ll have to check this out, I thought you were talking about the camera in general.

Using the F-16 AMRAAM DLZ display as an example, there’re 3 terminologies to depict max launch range:

Raero, the maximum aerodynamic range assuming optimum loft conditions and a non-maneuvering target.

Ropt, the max range assuming optimum steering and high quality termination criteria. There’s also indications telling you how much of a heading change the target needs to make to degrade the AIM-120 termination criteria from high quality to nominal.

Rpi, the max range with probable intercept given current aircraft attitude. IIRC the Eurofighter Typhoon directly displays Probability of Intercept (PoI) on HUD.

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The “maximum effective range” technically determines the range that the missile has a high pK although it is rarely used with missiles imo. Not seriously.

This would apply more to a weapon such as Sabot fired from a tank. Since the missile has the same damage regardless of range (explosive warhead)… it is more so referencing the point where pK drops significantly thereafter.

Something that we reference here only to try and accurately simulate the missile.


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I would say amraams use DG( differential geometry) as guidance. Adaptive(augmented) PN might be used aswell. At long range you can have low PN and just make it loft and maneuvering target wont have much of an effect

Well, we won’t know but does the method I suggested make sense? In the context of this situation would it work like that in your opinion?

It’ll actually be worse. Sure it’ll get speed quicker in the first few secs but it’ll be marginal, negated by the increased drag quite quickly. Loft will be better, top-down will hold more energy if target maneuvers than down-top.

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No, I remember it being relative to the missile. The info that was relative to the plane was the distance indicated by radar. The distance from the enemy marker was relative to the POV.

Yeah that’s how I remember it always being.

Wait… You are going to try and argue this??? Omg you are so wrong… You thought that maximum range means the maximum range a missile can engage targets?

You never heard of maximum effective range in your life because it’s not listed in the open source garbage that anyone can find on the internet.

Why would they publish the max range a missile can successfully engage a target and distribute that publicly? Maximum effective range is a behind the door’s number (Classified). Analysts take those public numbers and try determining max effective range of adversarial weapon systems.

@MiG_23M knows this and is literally just being nice to you. I am trying to educate you.

A missile may fly a maximum range, but that does not mean it will be able to engage a maneuvering target successfully due to MANY variables. Energy is a big one.

Do you need a source stating that the AMRAAM is highly dependent on the Host aircrafts radar? Yes, or no? The AMRAAM can mount on many aircraft with differing qualities of radars and the poorer the quality, the less effective the AMRAAM is in range and accuracy. Do you know what an active missile is? When it becomes “active”?

You do not know what you are talking about, so how would you know that combat radius is related? LMFAO. Yes, a jet may fly out to a maximum range. But does not mean it is able to carry out ACM or any feasible combat operations at that range that is why we have maximum combat radius. Again, none of the open source garbage you have saved on your desktop will offer true numbers.

Damage? who said anything about damage. lol.

Did you just say high pk is rarely used in missiles? Not seriously? Airforce analyst is like, “bro it can fly that range, that’s all that matters. Damage is the same”

Stop messing around with him.