The AIM-120 'AMRAAM' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

According to google Magic 2 have 6g limit and 1300 km/h speed limit during launch…

You can’t say “According to google”, you have to give at least a website or a link or something.
Maybe the 6g limit is true but just saying according to google bring kinda nothing. It’s the same as asking ChatGPT for something.
It’s like “according to books the value is …” the book could be a fligh manual or a children story.

This site Short range guided missile Magic-2 | give the 6g value.

That cite has its own sources listed at the bottom of the page… the first source is a Russian book from 1999.

The second source is listed as but I can’t find any specific documentation on magic 2 from them.

The third being an Indian defense blog.

My source is from Matra officials. (Secondary source, but quoting primary source).

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That seems highly unlikely to me as those are tighter restrictions than the even the AIM-9B’s restrictions:

In that context LBA means “Limit of Basic Aircraft”. So essentially even the AIM-9B could be fired at any speed or g load within the aircraft’s flight envelope (which for the F-8 was up to 800 kts / 6.4 g).


Are there any remarks about launches above or below mach

You can’t be more wrong.

According to Boyd Flying manual AIM-9B was strong depending from g forces at launches. Of course probably it’s can go off the rail and don’t damage the plane.

Actually “limit of basic Aircraft” it’s not the same “maximum performance limit”

An AIM-9B is unlikely to hit if fired under extreme g loads, but the point is that the pilot is permitted to fire them under those conditions.


I imagine that they would have been included in the right hand column if there were any.


In OP3353 About AIM-9D they state that LAU-7A rail launcher don’t have g limitations. But plane limitations so 6.4g for AIM-9B/C/D seems to be true…

LAU-7A is used also to launch AIM-9B according to OP3353 1.2 Mach is maximum launch speed for this specific rail not missiles.

No there are no limits what so ever on firing the AIM-9. They are only limited to 6.4 g on the F-8 because that is what the plane is limited to:

That would be the same OP3353 which shows the missile can be launched from a LAU-7 rail at Mach 2.0?

I’ve read that manual can can’t see anywhere where it states the maximum launch speed is Mach 1.2 for the LAU-7 rail.

Also the F-8 uses the LAU-7 rail and the missile is permitted to be fired up to the limits of the aircraft (which is greater than Mach 2).


Those mounts are pretty much optimal for launch in aerodynamic terms, given how far forward they are with separation to the side of the airframe. Wing or body pylons will be worse because they are inside the flow field of the wing.

Please stop passive aggressive / hostile interaction on the thread, thank you. My understanding seems to coincide with his, perhaps you are the one misreading the document?

Its take more than 1h to read it so please do not lecture me about aggression when some one use graph w/o contexts

You also use your knowledge like that? I have better opinion about your comments…

I’m not lecturing, simply asking you relax the hostility. I’ve come to the same conclusion as Flame, if you’ve got a different conclusion I’d like a less hostile and more in-depth explanation than “you can’t even read documents properly”.

Well this excerpt has nothing to do with the F-8 (it comes from an F-4 manual), so what point are you trying to make?

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LAU-7A restrictions -3g/0g/6.55g subsonic Launches. Max speed launch 750 Knots no g limits given(means no test are provided to supersonic speed at any given g. Only 1g launch. At least for 1979 documents)

Sorry m8. If in these documents its some thing like no limits its not mean they not exist.
If some is not restricted its not mean its allowed.

So are you just ignoring the bit which says:

The missile may be fired, if the envelope and tone-requirements have been satisfied, regardless of G on the firing aircraft

That is explicitly allowing it.

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You didn’t read that before posting did you…

Those speed limits are only in place due to overheating of the early Mk 8 warheads, once they fixed the issues with the warhead the missile was fully un-restricted.


You are serious??
When YOU DONT have PLATFORM capable to 1.2 Mach at sea level THEN IS NO LIMIT.
Srsly you are capable limited or some thing ??

It states clearly the warhead was the issue… this was resolved with the mod 3 and states “unrestricted”…

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