The AIM-120 'AMRAAM' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

Do not blame the game now. That was your general assumption that HPRF is reserved for head on. Completely oblivious to the fact that almost all active radar homing missiles use High PRF. SAMs as well.

That literally every fighter uses High PRF predominately and is technically a “high PRF fighter.” Such a ridiculous idea. Yes, High PRFs greatest strength lies in close in performance. But the idea that HPRF is limited to head on is quite laughable.

Which is exactly what you just said above.

Screenshot 2023-09-14 221518

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The F-16 didn’t, and almost every fighter with a pulse Doppler fire control radar to ever exist uses a wide variety of PRF ranging from low to high.

You know I was referring to the radar mode in the game and you insist on pointing to my comment as erroneous… when almost everything you said clearly demonstrates you had no idea what you were saying until educated otherwise further in the discussion.

Anyone is free to go back and read the discussion now and see that, but you’ve doubled down every time. Poker face doesn’t work when everyone can see your cards.

I’ve been wrong many times in the past, I admitted as much and read further into the subject to actually try and understand it. Generally the entire purpose of the discussion is to do so. It helps to bug report when you understand what it is you’re reporting. You don’t do any reporting, all you do is sit in here and troll / spread misinformation.

Most things I’ve ever stated at least have a source. You’ve failed to provide one for some time now, and the last several weeks and hundred+ comments are you doing exactly what you are describing.

If you’d provide a solid base for your argument perhaps it would be easier to assert it or show someone else they’re wrong.

What are you talking about I used your own radar book which you did not address a single thing but instead begged your friends to flag it and suppress it even after I cleaned it of any perceived offenses. Immediately suppressed it the second I cleaned it.

I am good though. I am going to go play the game. Peace.

Sure, the missile might not. That’s not the point. The point is that there are likely aircraft-specific release restrictions on the weapon. Like take a look at the F-4’s flight manual, Figure 5-11. It contains all the many, many restrictions on at what speeds/overloads certain weapons can be carried or released. Well except for the air-to-air armaments, some of those are stuffed in the secret supplement weapons delivery manual. Notably, neg-g release is totally forbidden, and AIM-7 release is actually quite tightly restricted in the manual version I read, only Mach 0.7 to 650 knots below 30k feet.

AIM-9 and AIM-4 also have restrictions on minimum speed, neither can be launched below 175 knots. So pretty much there’s a bunch of arbitrary aircraft-specific rules for weapons.

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His initial point was that he thinks supersonic launches severely harm reliability of the missile.

He failed to provide any such evidence that it’s the norm for fighter aircraft and especially not in relation to the AMRAAM.

Find where I said that.

Its a delicate process and the lower you are the higher the failure rate. Said that from the gate.

Oh @yoschi? He never said that either.

Yeah the fact MiG made a big deal about a publicly available “export restricted” document that had been posted on the forums for months if not years because it disproved his idiotic claims and made him look like a clown was one of the shittiest most damaging acts the forums have seen, and i know a ton of people that lost any and all respect they would ever have for him due to that lmao


Again this is the mentality we endure. “I will rather burn the game, the developer and the community than ever admit being wrong.”

Its very sad. Even when we put thousands of hours and dollars into the support of this game.


Lie. Their original post was asking for evidence about supersonic launches of AIM-120. Subsequently they pointed out:

To which you responded:

Which is as I note not actually a counterpoint, aircraft release limits are different from weapon launch restrictions.


Have a good night boys going to get on this Mig29SMT and 16C grind.

It’s fair enough to report something that shouldn’t be posted but the manner of it was so obviously a deliberate attack on someone as a result of losing an argument that it’s comical. The subsequent harassment I’ve seen make it transparently obvious that “security” is in no way their goal, winning internet arguments is.


He was using the fact that he had access to the document and others did not to claim it said things that it did not. It was never about “winning” an argument.

Also, the forum is no place this this type of discussion. You slander me, state such things about my character and act as if you are above me when you are stooping to the same level you claim me to be. I already told Ziggy it is beneath him. It should be beneath you as well. All this is doing is derailing the thread and harming any productive discussion.

It is quite clear what he was insinuating from much earlier in the discussion… and that was not their original post. I asked them for sources to this and many many many many many other things to which they ignored me and continues to assert more baseless claims.

If you tell on the game, why are community members not allowed to ever mention it? I understand why you would want to suppress it.

But as community members who speak actively on the games future have a right to know and remind ourselves to avoid such unproductive hostile behaviors such as going outside of community management.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too. I am sorry.


You are talking about going around community management and proceeding to derail the thread despite MULTIPLE warnings. You’re literally doing what you claim I did. You’re making this much worse for yourself in the process. Not only was he sharing restricted information by abusing access to a system, but he was lying about what those sources said at the same time because he knew no one else could see.

What you are doing is unproductive and hostile behavior.

I mean you literally just lied about someone else’s posts. Calling you out on this behavior and then pointing out your history is fair game at that point. I don’t bring such things up unti it becomes relevant.

And your typical “offtopic!” screech the minute things turn against you is pointless. When you act in a dishonest manner, your previous dishonesty becomes topical.

Are you dense? I am not talking about Ziggy. Pay attention to who is posting what. This is also a pattern for you and it starts to seem like you’re deliberately misattributing argukents.


ok I will leave that subject alone, sorry.

Have a good night. I have some AMRAAM sources I want to share as well tomorrow.

This is quite difficult at the moment with all the derailing and unproductive discourse.

Ziggy has been doing this for 100+ posts, I didn’t directly quote them and summed up what they were trying to say and you claim it’s lying and immediately start slandering me further. Fantastic assessment.

It’s clear that you three are not going to stop this hostile behavior or discourse any time soon. Cheers.

Yeah you know I don’t buy that. It’s not all that hard to go back and check what people said. You’ve done it, for that matter, quoting old posts and posts from other threads, so I don’t believe you when you claim that you just made a mistake.