As I have said many many times, I am pretty retarded but “IMPROVED hobs” sounds more like “It had it but we made it better” (i.e. added an extra 10 degrees)
So per fiscal year 98, we can see they were already discussing improving the capability of HOBS. Their language is extremely ambiguous however.
Page 8 btw.
Here’s an article with Raytheon as the source:
C-5 did possess HOBS; it was limited compared to the C-7 in capability. To what extent I’ve not found.
All the stuff I’ve read on DTIC says they were improving the C-5 to possess better HOBS. That seemed to be dependent on smaller more affordable electronics systems in every document I could find. FY96 was the first mention I found of upgrading the electronics for an increase in off-boresight capabilities.
Some users of another forum have been doing some hard math to determine performance of various missiles based on evidence found from pictures and online. They came up with a thrust diagram for the AIM-120A that is almost identical to the actual performance shown in documentation that is available.
Hi, may i ask if there is more info about these shots and comparison - how it was done or calculated? Mainly about the sparrow and if there is something to prove these as unclassified documents?
Hasn’t it become standard practise for when launching AMRAAMs, to pitch nose up on launch, to reduce the amount of energy wasted by the missile lofting itself?
Haven’t played DCS for a while, but seems to remember it being taught in a tutorial, or a user tutorial on YouTube.
I remember it becoming standard practise when I was engaging targets at range.
Launch cue.
Pitch up 5-10° & launch.
Turn away from target to max Radar gimbal angle to maintain lock until Pitbull.
Going to or being near max gimbal angle put you part way to notching, so if you had to go defensive, you’d already be part way there.
Not sure if it’s an IRL tactic though. Definitely done in DCS though.
I do it all the time in DCS and also with F-14 in WT and YAK-141. With everything else I don’t loft cuz I shoot at closer ranges.
One step I did miss from the sequence.
Along with the missile lofting itself, it also uses a lot of energy getting up to and past Mach 1.
Accelerate past M1.0
Wait for Launch cue
Pitch up
Manoeuvre to maximum radar gimbal and maintain lock until Pitbull.
Accelerating is not as important as climbing. You could launch from mach 1.2 on the deck (which takes time to accelerate), or begin climbing to a higher altitude and then launching from 0.9 mach. The launch from 0.9 mach at a higher altitude will almost always hit the target first.
Another example, you have two fighters at 0.9 mach (they accelerated to this speed from the runway, so are at sea level). Both decide to climb to 10km. One launches the missile sooner from 0.9 mach. The other takes the additional 30 to 60s accelerating before launching at ~1.5 mach.
The one who accelerated is now closer to the target, his missile reaches the target later, and he has to defend against an enemy missile that he is now potentially within the minimum abort range for.
Anyhow, climbing is more important than accelerating unless there is time to accelerate before coming within the minimum abort range of the enemy ordnance.
Only the ground launches video is relevant
AMRAAM is low smoke
How they do smokeless in game isn’t accurate to real life
I’ve already explained this a million times for pro-russians players that pull out youtube videos of NATO missile launches to “prove” they arent low smoke/smokeless.
What you’re seeing in your videos is water vapour formation from the exhaust, NOT smoke as typically seen from less advanced propellants like those used by older missiles, or russian ones.
Well, it affects ALL MISSILE, not just for NATO. And if you already turn off the smokiness, then EVERYONE. 1.5 the conditions under which a NATO missile does not smoke is not a reason to make them smokeless
It should be if it can be expected to launch under said conditions, theoretically it wouldn’t be impossible to actually model how this changes since the chemistry is pretty well understood and Ambient air pressure and temperature is already modeled, the only thing missing for an accurate model is modeling humidity and the dew point of ambient air, which for simplification purposes could be generated from the existing temperature and pressure models.
You do understand that they probably use different propellants right? Do we even know if Russians use HTPB in place of CTPB or other solid fuels for their relevant missiles? Pretty sure its well understood that the relevant low smoke US motors all use HTPB based compositions.
The low aluminum (smoke) compositions ( historically they tended to be HTPB based) give up some portion of their performance (more modern compositions can recover some of the lost performance) in exchange adjusting the conditions under which the equilibrium reverses and so trends into preferring to produce 2Al3O (Aluminum (III) Oxide; a fine white powder) as a byproduct instead of Al2O (Aluminum (I) Oxide; a colorless gas), the problem was the the Carbon in CTPB compositions based fuels works as a catalyst that promotes the production of Al3O2.
The old video is most likely the first version of AMRAAM that smoked.What kind of fuel composition in Russian rockets should be studied patents may have something written there
Its probably just a bad day where the the ambient temperature and absolute humidity at the point of motor firing are sufficient to noticeably influence the equilibrium of the reaction(s) taking place.
The AMRAAM has two motors the The “High Performance Rocket Motor”
which uses a single, reduced-smoke HTPB propellant in a boost-sustain configuration.
and the “+5 Motor” Rocket motor which is an enhanced version with an additional 5 inches of propellant.
(It doesn’t specifically list a change in propellant composition) Though it requires the use of the Shortened Guidance section to maintain overall length of the missile, this came into effect with the introduction of the AIM-120C-5. The lengthened motor can be a useful distinguishing feature, for deducing if the missile is an Early -C or Late C/D variant.
Is there a discernable difference between the 120A and 120B? I remember there being a range difference, but it might’ve been something I made up in my own head, since if the 120B had a better seeker (and so can detect targets at further ranges), it would be able to be deadly at further ranges than the 120A.