The AIM-120 'AMRAAM' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

I’m an American main & patriot…?

In the actual game, the R-27ER can greatly improve the performance of long-distance shooting through manual LOFT.
60km 9600m m1.14 (1340kph) launch, 30° manual LOFT
46.3s, 2.5M, very powerful


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Would be interesting to know if devs actually modeled the seeker aquisition phase of the R/ER correctly? The strongest target within ±150m/s from the last known Vc within a 12° cone will be locked when it transitions to SAHR from radio commanda guidance. If you go under Mach 1 and put the R/ER shooter at 60° gimbal limit, the R/ER could lock Chaff or ground clutter. Basically notching it. And if the ER/R leads, depending on how much its leading you, possible you could stay slightly above Mach 1 and still notch it during this phase.


low attitude test
1000m m0.9 vs 1000m m0.9

mica and r77 cannot hit the 40km target (because of flight control problems)
pl12 cannot hit the 35km target (same reason)

Some interesting things can be seen. For example, due to changes in ballistic height, some missiles are launched at longer distances, but their terminal speeds are higher.

It’s hard to imagine that the PL12 has the shortest range among these missile.


This is all very interesting, I believe there is a generalized fox-3 thread it would be better placed in. You can find it here;

Out of random curiosity, does anyone have any pics of F-4’s carrying AIM-120’s on their wing stations? I was just thinking about this as next patch will come with the addition of Fox 3’s, and for germany, that means the F-4F ICE, which I know can carry 4 belly mounted AMRAAM’s, but I’m unsure about any other weapon stations.

I have seen this shot, allegedly of an F-4 firing an AMRAAM off a wing station, though I have some doubts of it being an F-4, but since its a cockpit view, I can’t tell what nations F-4 this is, though there are very few F-4’s that ever went through sufficient modernizations to fire AIM-120’s in the first place, nor can I tell how many AIM-120’s the wing station of this particular F-4 can accommodate,

As a side note, I’m worried the ICE will likely be dead on arrival, flying a 10.7 airframe with 12.7 weapons vs 12.3 airframes with 12.7 weapons. It will likely need something like IRIS-T to have any real chance of competing unless gaijin puts it at a lower BR due to its inferior airframe, which would be comedic when the 29G is already at 12.7.

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There’s also the Greek Peace Icarus that had used AIM-120s.

The F-4F ICE would be in a lot better state than the J-8F which can only carry 2 PL-12s (total 6) while the ICE can carry 4 AIM-120s with 4 IR missiles (total 8). It would also be more maneuverable than the Tornado F.3 while having an MPRF radar (although Stage 3 radar for some reason has really low notch zone in-game).

It does however lack in terms of having an HMD.

So at best, it would be a support fighter, but isn’t the F-4 Phantom already outrating the Mig-29?

And it would be a lot faster then the Shar

I assume the Turkish Terminator also can, though I’m not sure, and this footage is too old to be it afaik.

The J-8F is already in-game though, the ICE would be a new addition. China could get PL-12’s on higher performance airframes, Germany only has this and the Typhoon, which Smin has already denied is coming anytime soon.

Is it? I thought the Tornado had a better FM?

Ah yes, WT’s politically correct term for a trash plane…

Whey do think the Tornado F3 is 11.3 with 9L and Skyflash supertemp vs a F4 with 9Js and Skyflash at the same BR

2G and yeah its accurate

Currently? nah no way, when fixed yeah probably

Which ones getting fixed/what’s wrong with it?

havent tested the GR’s but they will suffer from the same issues, F.3 is the key one whose G pull is down from 15-45%

Nah Terminator is purely A2G

Ok, so thats what, 2 F-4’s capable of firing AMRAAM’s? Maybe 3 with the EJ Kai? Looks like one of the 3 can wing mount them atleast. As for which one, and how the wing config is, who knows…

I’d assume with the size and weight of the AMRAAM they might be able to be mounted on the side rails on the wing pylons. They could definitely fit on the bottom of the rail, but in that case, im curious if they could still run AIM-9’s on the side rails…

Itd be cool to see an F-4F ICE with 6xAIM-120B’s and 4x AIM-9L(i)-1/IRIS-T

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The pic is F-15 btw and also this is the only vid of that specific AIM-120 launch I could find

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There’s barely any info about EJ Kai testing ARH to the point where its existence is put into doubt but even if it indeed was an ARH testbed it would not have been integrated with AIM-120 but rather Japanese AAM-4 instead

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well, that fixes the “allegedly” part

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February 2nd, 2004 AirForce budget was published with information suggesting the AIM-120C-5 did not yet incorporate software for off-boresight use. The AIM-120’s with off-boresight capability would be limited to AIM-120C-6+.

The budget report distribution is “A”, available for public distribution.