The AIM-120 'AMRAAM' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

(I thrive for people like this, it gives me something better to do than sleep and play the game)

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Or you can do other things healthier with your time other than long for my attention… I get home at 5pm PST weekdays though. I cannot promise you anything ok?

Other healthier things such as…? I got a pretty hefty workout in today, as well as work.

By all means, don’t. That just means I get more time for other people.

Y’all wanna go to DM’s or something? This is the AIM-120 thread.

Yeah I saw some old footage on Youtube today that showed it being relative to missile as well… Oh well. The new tracking view is nice though!

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Yea, no more need for frantic mouse movement to find the target

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launch missile from 20km

panicked camera movements as i try to find the correct direction

find enemy aircraft

the missile’s already flown 10km

For me, it is more like:

  • launch R-27ET from like 10-15 km
  • start tracking after 20 seconds
  • franticly move mouse to find target
  • start hearing jet noises
  • whoorrraaaay
  • wait, hear the noise for too long, guess missile too slow now
  • suddenly hear the jet whine get louder
  • happy face again
  • see some other dude fly past it
  • realize no hope of it hitting now
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The most painful thing is when you see nothing the jet noise grows louder, then fades

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We aren’t talking about R-27s? Dang, I was gonna pitch the EA/EM

I don’t quite see how he’s muddying it, we’re essentially wrestling in a swamp.
Can you tell me what he said that was wrong, though? I’m not too sure of what specifically you’re talking about.

I mean… Yeah. 5.56x45 is capable of shooting far past 1km, but by no means will it have the energy to do damage.
Same goes for missiles, although instead of damage there’s responsiveness in maneuvers, as well as general speed.

I’m not working off of open source information. All that I’ve stated is that maximum effective range is rarely applicable in topics such as this, as it’s entirely based upon arbitrary variables. A simple 15-20dg turn can drastically change the outcome of a launch, from both the host aircraft or the target.

The AMRAAM is able to operate without a host radar, though it must be configured to do so first. It’s rarely used, though, as it is very likely to hit an unintended target.
Everybody considers it an ARH missile. Whether or not it is an “evolution of the sparrow”, it is an entirely different base with little to no similarities to it, other than purpose and general attributes due to development lineage. This is much like saying the R-37 isn’t an ARH missile because it replaced the R-33.
The AMRAAM is by no means dependent on the host’s radar for range, and accuracy has no relation due to its terminal phase. Unless you mean accuracy by range over DS/DL, in which it still wouldn’t matter.

No, they don’t. There is little to no need to, as again, there are too many variables to account for. Everything needed to know is computed and displayed through the DLZ. This is catalogued to a very limited degree.

Damage? No, Accuracy. When a bullet or other ballistic projectiles are fired out past their maximum effective range it loses accuracy. They start to spin less and are more subject other forces around it.

Shooting an arrow works on the same principles. Have you shot an arrow before?

When a rocket is fired out past its maximum effective range the motor has burned out, it has become a pure ballistic projectile. The longer it flies, gyroscopic stabilization will weaken, and accuracy will drastically weaken if it has to maneuver to a target.

That is why analyst do not care about max range and it is public resource available to us all. Any missile can fly to ungodly distances. They look for maximum effective ranges of their adversarial peer’s weapon systems.

@TheArcticFoxxo Can you take this argument into DM’s with him? It’s not very productive discussion and the thread will get very long in the tooth if you two keep arguing the semantics of “effective range”.

This all stems from the fact that Ziggy made a claim about the AIM-54 I showed wasn’t true so he shifted the goalpost to “oh, well the effective range…”




I’ve actually had some decent success using PDV to lock on targets flying away from me in the Tornado ADV

PDV on the Tornado F.3/ADV is only a scope display. The locking is still done by PD HDN.

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Ohhhh okay that makes sense

Been using it to find people returning to their airfield after I rearm because I can see their high speed moving away from me, filtering out all the AI contact clutter

Once the AMRAAM comes to the game I’ll make some comparisons using the sources and information available and update the stat card. I’ll also begin putting together the framework and sources necessary to determine the performance of later iterations of the missile and include a more detailed history in the OP.

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Some new British documents I found put the maximum kinematic range of AMRAAM (AIM-120A/B) at 60 nautical miles for a high altitude, head on, launch:


Can we get some more context about the “ASF”?
(Active Skyflash?)

Also, we knew it was going to be > 40 nautical miles due to the fact that we presumed 40nm was the subsonic launch criteria in head-on co altitude and speed for the Harrier. Also why I left the range as “62 miles” or whatever in the stat card lol