The actual reason behind downfall of US realistic top tier ground

first of all if you read the post and agreed with it, please take a minute and share it with your friends

We all know that being in same side with US or being a US player suck when playing +10.3 ground realistic, some said its because of a players who bought abrams click bait and in the answer the situation was shit before the introducing of clickbait

now US have some problems at top tier but im gonna point at major ones

some says its because of abrams and lets be honest you have a fast vehicle and good cannon and good armor on your upper turret and have a gun deppression plus 13x zoom and 2nd thermal, sure the last abrams is worse than the one before but one tank cannot make the whole br as bad as it is right now

but the only gap that US have between other major nations is one thing : Anti Air
-all other major and most of minor nation have one good AA at top tier that can lock their missiles at it without tracking it, while having high speed missiles ( higher than helis )
But if you look at the russian helicopters and US AA ( ADATS ), you will see that they both have 10km firing range
-while the other variants of other nations have something between 14km-20km firing range ( please dont correct me by showing two minor nation that dont even have 11.3 AA )
on top of that you should look at your enemy while shooting ( Beam riding ) which make you good target for other ground or air enemies
-there is LITERALLY no way that you can shoot a jet down unless you are god of ADATS or the jet coming right in your face
-some people call ADATS the anti everything, frankly every AA on top tier is anti everything with the machine guns, on top of that, its big head “missile” anti everything, meaning that if enemy and you see each other at the same time you are 99.99% dead
-due to ADATS being simply not good, players have motivation to unlock it
-people buy KA-50 which is a good premium and the other variants of it are tanks with the most advanced helicopter missiles and people call it a flying tank because you cant end it with normal machine gun and have to use your cannon if your not anti air, which is a good reason itself that US and Germany should have at least medium range AAs ( which germans have it )

Solution :

now Gaijin have its own ways for balance ( giving some things that vehicles didnt have irl / getting some things from vehicles that they had them irl )

but here is what i can think for now ( ill try to update it later ) :

-if they dont want to add any new vehicles, they can have a buff simply by changing the range of the missile, its lazy, its not a good thing to do but we all know that stats are not accurate already so why not ?

-add a new AA to US and move ADATS to at 11.3 for making it convenient ? i dont have lots of vehicles in mind right now but NASMAS and seems like a good option, maybe THAAD ?


You must be new here.

Missles where changed to do the KA50 fiasco.
Even the whole phsics around airdensety was changed and there fore the ranges of missles.

Its not bad they are lazy and stupid. They dont want be team players, its only and always “me me me” and cry if a CAS or Heli kills them while having all tools in there hand.
It is that simple.
99.9% players spawn in a tank and if they die to air they spawn in a TANK! not SPAA no! in a tank againt od ie again to the same CAS.

ADATS is still one of the best SPAA in the game.


Why would they spawn into an SPAA if there isn’t an SPAA to spawn into (the ADATS isn’t an SPAA) and the one thing that acts like an SPAA is literally the second/third worst at the job?

lol what? The only things worse than it are the OTOMATIC and the Israeli Imp. Chaparral.

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Then why is everyone asking for it to be classified as an SPAA rather than a TD. That should make it an SPAA.

However, I doubt it is one of the best SPAAs ingame.

I mean if it was designated as an SPAA then US players would at least be able to spawn in them for sub-300 SP. It would still be awful, though.

LAMO the delussion is incredible. Has a high pen missle has 25mm auto cannon, can go head to head with MBT´s. Try that in flarak, try that in a pansir. I am sorry, the problem is not the mashine the problem are the pilots. Its like a skill issue to sit in a place and look at the sky for dark dots. how hard can that be?

Whats so bad about the adats? mhh?

Mobility? Fierepower? Protection? Whast the problem?
Is it becauser its getting abused for tank hunting and instead of shooting at airplanes?
No leadindicator?
No radar?
To big of a profile?

Is all US players do look at the other side and say the grass is greener?

Not sure what you’re getting at here
There’s only the JP Type 81 TAN SAM and USSR Strela-10M that can somewhat claim to be decent at top tier due to Contrast Lock, most other F+F SAMs rely on IR and have similar range to the LAV-AD.

The Pantsir has 20km
There’s only the Tor M1 that has 14km range and the ITo/FlaRakRad have 12

None of the have range as effective as the starcard implies due to missile physics, and I don’t find the Tor M1 effective at all.


Being out ranged several times over by the Su-25SM3, the most fair, honest and balanced addition to the game since the IL-28 was added at 6.7 and would fight N1K2s.

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Every one is oputranged by it. Or rather by the Kh-38MT. But hey you can intercept those missles 8 in a row without a reload.

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No nation has a firing range against jets of 20km let alone 15km.
It’s 10 - 13km for all ten tech trees. 15km if the Pantsir pre-fires before the jet turns in.

Equivalent to all other 11.0 helicopters in the game.

USA has had unkillable CAS for the last 2+ years.
USA CAS is partially why people started bringing fighters to frag CAS.

To dodge that missile, you can stand somewhat close to a wreck. No need to waste your missiles.

are you high?
You’re comparing an ADATS do a Pantsir ffs

Killing MBTs is not what an SPAA does. An SPAA kills planes, and the ADATS is terrible at it compared to the best SPAA of every other nation.

  1. Mobility shouldn’t matter (generally) for an SPAA
  2. Ground-based firepower really shouldn’t matter if its objective is to kill planes (besides idk self-defense every once in a while)
  3. Protection against what, 0.50 cals on the hull alone (if you’re lucky)?
  4. Yeah, because the US should have an SPAA at top tier and not a TD
  5. Yes
  6. Yes
  7. It’s not super massive, no
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Correct and glad you can see it cause that is the first hurdle down.

Sure if you would like to die first go right ahead. Delusion if it were a sentence.

First of all I wouldnt say it is a bad vehicle but it certainly has a couple things that are holding it back especially in regards to its AA abilities. While it does decent against helicopters it is quite frankly not very good for jets that arent flying straight. It struggles hard against anything maneuvering and the missile is often defeated by them even flying straight at a distance believe it or not.

As far as it’s abilities for attacking tanks I would say it fails more than it succeeds with tank v tank fighting. Countless times that missile needs multiple hits and with it only having 8 to begin with thats a problem. Sometimes even KA-50s will eat 3-5 missiles from it (have video proof if needed). And unless you are already sitting still (even though it happens still more than it should) by the time you see the target and fire your shot you are likely killed by their much faster round before your missile even is close to them. It’s mid but calling it one of the best AA in the game is well… delusional that’s all.