The absoulte state of hipocrisy

Do you not think it would be better, long term, for it to stick with R60M’s though?

Like, if you give it R73, it will go up to 13.0 (Like Mig29G). Which means it will continue to get sucked up into top tier matches for like 1-2 years until 14.3 eventually comes and offers it salvation from top tier vaccum effect.


You leave it with R60M’s at 12.7. 14.0 comes (Potentially even very soon if some of the December rumours are to be believed), and in not very long, it will find itself in the powerful position of that ‘1.3 below max’ BR, which is near constant downtiers.

Short term pain for long term gain.


Why does every MiG-29+R-73 conversation devolves into "but it would be put higher in BR?

SARM carrying F-16’s are stronger planes and they are not at 13.0 anymore.
Su-27 carries both R-73’s and R-27ER/ETs and it’s a 13.0 plane.
F-15A is a much stronger plane and it’s at 13.0.

I swear MiG-29 is a boogeyman for whatever reason…


Because Mig29G is literal, pre-existing proof that Gaijin determines Mig29+R73+27ER to be worthy of 13.0.

This isn’t speculatory. This isn’t my personal opinion. Its just a fact we have precedent for.

I think asking for R73’s, and expecting that to come with no BR bump is just being naïve. And that being the case, it’s important to ask if you really want to eat what the snail will serve you before you ask them to cook.

Funnily enough they still do weird things

MiG-29 is much worse now than it was on release because of nerf and compression/power creep.

USSR/Russia just can’t have nice things right now (and the last 1.5 years for the most part). Not until every single player has at least one USA/Western top tier premium.

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I mean the F-15I was going to have them, so there’s no reason for the F-15E to not have them when there were F-15Es with them (not just variants that aren’t in game yet).

This makes sense, though. The MiG-29 came with the F-16A/ADF and 2000D-R1 of which none have HMD/HMS. Even if the MiG-29 was restricted to only R-27R/Ts, it would still have roughly equal performance in medium- to long-range engagements as the F-16As, with equal-ish short-range performance due to its HMD even with a missile that is worse than an AIM-9L.


I hate how we have to this kind of mental gymnastics because of the way the game is balanced (compressed).

Most BR related issues would go away with BR decompression (which I wager would have to put current top tier at like 18.0). But that would take away a large stream of income for Gaijin, and we can’t have that.

Short term gain for long term pain.

Even if we decompressed, the cycle i talk about will still happen.

New top tiers are strong when they are released. They become weaker when things 0.3 above them are added. They become much weaker when things 0.7 above them are added, and they really start to suffer when things 1.0 above them are added.

But once they slip down 1.3 from max BR, they escape top tier purgatory and have a whole new lease on life. Mig29 is due to experience this renewal shortly when 14.0 comes. I see no reason to extend its misery simply for R73’s in the here and now.

How so? If we move 13.7 to 18.0 next plane won’t be 18.3 but rather 19.0 at least.

The idea is so that we have planes that offer slight upgrades around 1.0 / 3 steps apart. So even in a case of a full uptier you would only face slightly better vehicles. In my opinion something MiG-29 (9.12/9.13) and MiG-29G would be 3 steps apart. MiG-29G and SU-27 (the first one) would also be around 3 steps apart.

If we keep the same logic there wouldn’t be as much powercreep

With ultra wide BR spacing like you suggest, sure the effects of the cycle i talk about would be lessened drastically, but they would still be there.

But we are getting into fantasies here. We have to deal with the cards the snail deals us unfortunately.

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Mig-29 does have R-73s:

The first Mig-29s were using R-60Ms, a historical loadout for them.

Your post proves no hypocrisy.

I don’t want Mig-29 9.12/9.13 being moved up to 13.x when they’re great where they are with their current historical loadouts.

You mean AIM-9L + AIM-7F… while R-60Ms aren’t AIM-9L equivalent, R-73s are AIM-9M equivalent which is also incorrectly 13.0 right now:

But this is intentional. The game will never have “balance.” It’s in constant flux by design. That’s how engagement is maintained. The F-15E is a perfect example. Get everyone talking, get them riled up, get them grinding out the F-15E cuz is sooooo OP. Then later they nerf it and the cycle begins with a new vehicle. Rinse and repeat = Engagement.

So many people complaining about and comparing to the f15E engines it’s insane

That’s not how game development works.
Just cause F-15E is the F-4J of 2024 doesn’t mean anything.
Gaijin under-estimated F-15E because of players not doing so well in F-15A/J.

Nah, they’re not stupid, and they’ve been running this rodeo for 12 years now. It’s methodical, just track the history.

/tinfoil hat

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I know

Oh my goodness it’s transparently obvious. Just one of many tricks they employ to maximize engagement. AlvisWisla says “that’s not how game development works” but that’s a meaningless statement - of course that’s how it works. They throttle metrics early knowing full well it’s just the beginning of the process. It’s what demonstrably produces results.

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Do yourself a favor and block them. Done that a long time ago.

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Imagine if they added the pansir s2 while the pansir s1 is already the top dog. That’s what they did essentially for usa air

I never block. I want to know what the other side thinks.

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They’ve been doing this sort of thing for a decade with US and USSR.

Consecutively over-strengthening one side, in one area, to the point of absurdity.

Always adding where one is already strong - not catching up where they are weak.