The 2S38 should be moved up in BR to 11.0 or 11.3

The one I own and the ones I play against. I guess you are not too experienced on top tier yet(not an attack) and that might be an issue, because from your statistics you are a fantastic player. Maybe not owning it is also an issue, because you can better understand weaknesses and how to counter vehicles you own yourself.

Even looking at statistics of the vehicle shows that Rooikat 105 has superior performance
It’s slightly better(by 0.02) than VBCI in terms of KDR
And comparing it to tanks you play like Challengers, it’s not even close to their level

2S38 is certainly versatile and decent vehicle. It’s pretty nice as counter to airplanes/helis, but I would not call it OP.

Which one? Because every STRF I checked stats for is superior to 2S38.

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The STRF’s do far less damage with both apfds and HE-vt. The 2s38 and STRF’s also have the exact same ammo restock time which doesnt make sense at all. Also strf’s dont have thermal tracking.

Thunderskill is not accurate at all.

He’s an air player and clearly sucks at ground rb. Just look at his stats 💀

Strf 9040C isn’t 10.7 currently, that and HSTVL is 11.3 currently.
HSTVL would have to be moved to 12.0 to stay balanced.

HEVT doesn’t determine BR of vehicles when the anti-tank capabilities are far more devastating.

The HSTV-L is pretty balanced where it is. It has pretty low damage cannon

And 2S38’s gun is even less damage than HSTVL’s having far less pen and less mass.
On top of that HSTVL is faster, smaller, with better armor profile…

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HSTV-L is faster than 2s38 sure. But at its br the speed doesnt matter due to it being basically the same as MBT’s. The 2s38’s rounds do more than enough damage. It also has APCBC which does really good damage and has more enough pen to go through weakpoints.

APCBC which is seen at 7.0, and 8.3 with range finder.
APCBC is not a top-BR round.

What kind of argument is this supposed to be? APFSDS is found at 8.0 it is not a top br round. APDS is also found at reserve aka not a top br round.

No, the APFSDS is found at 10.0 as 2S38 is the only 57mm cannon with APFSDS in War Thunder currently.
Strf 9040C has slightly inferior APFSDS rounds for their 40mms at 9.3 - 10.0 as well.

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The rounds the 2s38 gets are a LOT better than the STRF’s rounds. With better spall AND angle pen. The 2s38 has 4 more hp per tonne as well… 2s38 also has a crewless turret. The 2s38 is just better in all aspects. How can you justify the 2s38 being 10.0 when the 2s38 is just better in every single way. The 2s38 also does a better anti air job than the Lvkv9040C… (which is a dedicated AA btw.)

Crewless turret doesn’t mean anything when it’s larger.
HSTVL is significantly faster than both, but 2S38 & Strf are similar in acceleration & speed.
And no, 2S38 is inferior to Lvkv 9040C in anti-air duties.

just experienced a brand-new meme moment while facing 2s38, turns out it can’t be penned with DM23 of Leo 2 when shoot directly in the middle from 90 side angle, distance 30meters max. the shell just scratched the paint, what was that I don’t know. this thing is a joke at 10.0 but hey the Russians must have the best high tier prem lineup in the game because of “reasons” so no BR increase my friends

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Stop attacking everyone that criticizes War Thunder & Gaijin.
The fact you accuse all of War Thunder’s critics of being trolls is pathetic & derailing of topics.

No, I am talking about you specifically. in all threads you always try to protect gaijin for whatever reason

Criticizing War Thunder isn’t protecting nor attacking it.

I think you can’t even understand what I wrote

No, it is not overpowered, it is very strong fighting ground vehicles just like BMP-2M but 2s38 can also destroy CAS. So in my opinion gajin should just improve other vehicles similar to 2s38.

2s38 will always be just good, because it is made to fight CAS but in game it is light tank, so it will be always like this.
The strength of this vehicle is multitasking and ypu can’t change this.