Testing of Supermaneuverable IR missiles

Do you support a test of such missiles on the dev server?
  • Yes, in regular battles
  • Yes, in a special gamemode
  • No
0 voters

It is about time that a trial of missiles such as the Python 4, Mica IR, ASRAAM, IRIS-T and AIM-9X to see how they fit into gameplay. While I know that there are internal tests going on, it would be nice to see how they would play at the current state of the game and if they would be viable if balanced appropriately


I like how you left out the IRIS-T


Whaaaat I would never!

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Nice edit :p

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But honestly I think that the IR mica is kinda needed for the rafale, even if it comes in a super nerfed state. Only radar missiles is quite bleh

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You missed the PL-8B/PL-10 too.

PL-8B could just be added right now I think

Those arent supermaneuverable

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Yes, but flares need to be have increased effectiveness (especially BOL), otherwise there would be some obvious issues with some supermanuverable and high TWR planes dominating; totally not the Gripen :-)


PL-10 is

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Oh yeah I confused it with the PL-12 my bad

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Well u forgot the R74 variant ;)

Im unsure if any vehicle in game currently can use it

Su27SM can actually , it’s actually a better R73 with better thrust vectoring and IRCCM aboard

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Beyond extreme maneuverability (like shooting targets behind the launch vehicle) these missiles also have advanced IRCCM of either UV/IR or IIR, like a Stinger or Strela.


This would be nice but i would not expext this untill f-18 and russian equivalent is added, aswell as probably f-2 for japan and other nations stuff

There needs to be a test gamemode on the live server before anything like that is added. The dev server has too small of a population for it to work well.

We would also need to restrict planes that do have them from facing planes that don’t have them. Knowing Gaijin they would end up being 14.0 or something, so good luck facing them in a 13.0.

If the list includes the AIM-9X, then the at the very least R-74M should also be considered if not the R-74M2.

Both the Su-27SM and MiG-29SMT are fairly recent and in service with it

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very much agree, also weren’t both the magic 1 and 2 artificially nerfed when they first got added so that french planes got any missiles, so it wouldn’t be the first time


Yes they were, and for a really long time