Team game, yet it is not

How the heck this can be a team game if it’s full of flaws as a few top players play selfish and always gain, while team is in loss?

If this is a team game, then LOSS should be a DEDUCTION for the whole team.

I still consider myself new here. I see folks are so much focused on “kills” as they bring the most rewards, no matter if money, XPs, or whatever all that is called.
And their kills still lose battles one after another. Every single battle says DOMINATION and ZONES, but somehow, reds get it, and my team does not?! WTH?

This is all but team game…

War Thunder has never encouraged team gameplay nor rewarded it.


Zones are made to force kills; their locations make cappers in a bad position, cap time and the need to clean up made it worse. While being outside the cap and try to get kills helps this process, cleaning up enemy active forces, and avoiding danger- which is the key of almost all hardcores

This have led to the increase of capping profits, tho reduced by counting capper number and cap time

Sadly the Zone capture modes have been criticized since years ago, yet no change are made.


I remember my first online game.

You can not make people play the way you think they should play. join a squad and make teamwork your goal. You cant get team work with a bunch of random people that have their own goals to go after in the game. I have chat turned off due to just how horrible chat is. sometimes you get people trying to warn or work with people, but humans are selfish in nature and your expecting too much.


If one team having full of players that can’t kill the enemies, then their chance of winning drastically goes down? yesterday half of my matches ending with someone dropping nuke, sometimes my team and sometimes enemy, so how do you get a nuke and single-handedly change the outcome of the match? kills, a lot of kills and more kill assist, no other quicker way to reach the requirement lol


The funniest thing in my opinion is the amount of people that think getting kills, dying, and leaving is gonna net then RP. Kills do not generate a lot of RP, activity and time played is where 90% of RP comes from. You can get activity by doing almost anything.