Tanks Sitting Back Taking Potshots Doesn't Really Help The "TEAM"

Its just an unfair balancing as they have the same role but the XM800 has a better and stabilised gun for the same mobility and armour. either with a mid player will dominate tho

Just because You don’t want things to be as they are in reality doesn’t mean that reality is going to change.

Cool story, but no.

The fact is, as long as You don’t kill enemies that can and will decap the point, the point You have capped meant and changed nothing. We can all describe multiple scenarios in our heads and talk about how we feel about them, but reality won’t change because of that.

It is such a simple thing and people after so many games still fail to understand it.

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You can have other views, but negating that kills are the core of WT and most important action is simply wrong.

Good luck getting out of your spawn after your whole team gets evaporated in the first few minutes of the game, due to them not being able to kill the enemies.

Can you clarify this @Stona_WT because this has become a main sticking point for your statement to be taken out of context due to this being said when you guys added the kill bonuses to the scoreboard.

Is it possible to win without having those kills, and that other stats actually still apply, that aren’t being looked at by those who are throwing out the common ‘kills means skills’ all the time…

I look forward to your input on this hotly contested ‘issue’

It’s not wrong, what’s wrong is fixating on it solely being kills that make the win and the mark of a good player…

I commonly don’t have issues getting out of spawns as I commonly check the map and am aware of what spawns are being camped and don’t spawn there without being ready to fight my way out.

It is just amusing:

Please cite where people are saying that without kills You can’t win. The best part is that what You are trying to get is to have a statement where someone says that individual kills don’t matter while as I have already discussed and explained it many times, if You can’t kill, then someone else has to do it for You.

And you can get the assist for that, what’s the problem with opposing your mentality that you’re a detriment to the team because you can’t kill something or get as many kills as others?

That’s the issue with this laid back on the laurels of the kills being skills mantra.

Fox has annoying recoil so adjusting your aim is much harder than on XM800.
This makes the Fox much easier to get rinsed by other lights and surely needs more skill to play than XM.

Because in order to get an assist, someone has to do the kill. If no one does it, then You won’t get an assist.

If You rely on Your teammates to do the killing for You, it only means that without You they would still be able to do the job while You without them wouldn’t.

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it has no stabilisation so it will always take more skill than the stabilised counterpart with 4x the fire rate. It needs you to be a lot more deliberate with where you shoot than most lights

You can’t keep caps if you can’t kill enemies.

Many maps/modes have a single spawn and with curb stomps all spawns will get swarmed.
Fighting your way out from a situation where you’re being watched by a dude behind cover using his 3rd person camera definitely don’t go in favor of a team that struggles to make kills.

Doesn’t matter, the fact is that someone can hog all those kills and give no-one assists and still lose…

Just because someone doesn’t get the precious numbers you deem to be vital, doesn’t mean others are detrimental to the team or worthless.

I was going to say it sounded directly like a skill issue…


Again, it doesn’t make someone worthless…

You ignore the caps, you ignore the assists, and you ignore the mere support that people do give by merely being there… None of these are tracked on the profile that you so constantly check, and thus your fixation is your issue.

If You can’t do anything without Your team as You rely on them killing enemies that would decap points You have taken or just kill You as You can’t do it Yourself, then the team would still function without You.

skill issue making some vehicles like XM800 be lower than they should drives me nuts

Nope… I don’t RELY on them, and I don’t EXPECT them to do anything, and I’m perfectly confident in saying I am not the detriment you make out because I don’t get the kills you think I don’t.

Fact is I got 9 kills in a panther run a few nights ago, but that doens’t matter because the entire point is the presence and being positive for your team to drive them to do better.

It’s better than being negative nancy about it and making them hesitate and second guess because they were told things weren’t good.

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Cool story, but You won’t get an assist or Your cap won’t make a difference if someone is not going to kill the enemy first - meaning You rely on the team.

The only one negative here is the one trying to change reality rather than just say how things are. More people kill enemy units, higher chance the team overall is going to win.

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I don’t rely on them as I regard them as their own thing… I have no reason to demand that they do anything and anything I get from them is a bonus.

Your reality is not everyones reality…

Whilst the chance is heightened, it’s not a certainty as what others put out on the regular.

The ticket bleed on those caps can really turn a match around, hence where I’m saying about even capping, and not even mentioning decapping the point to stop them from spawn camping because they have to consider someone else is behind them and messing with the points.

Kills aren’t everything, and aren’t the be-all-end-all.

You quoting @Stona_WT is actually quite deceptive, because you know that quote is from the kill bonus implementation, and thus it’s taking it out of context for the sake of throwing it in peoples faces whenever anyone dares to tell you that kills aren’t everything.