Many tanks in War Thunder have seen modifications in their capabilities, such as the BT-7 in 1938, which was equipped with a stabilizer, and the KV-2, whose anti-concrete shell was removed for ‘balance.’ My problem with War Thunder is the underplaying of tanks’ capabilities to push people to buy better premium versions of the same tank with simple upgrades. I don’t have any other specific examples of Gaijin underplaying tanks’ capabilities, but I am sure there are many. I understand the need for balance, but for some vehicles it could make the game more balanced.
If it has a stabilizer, prove it and make a bug report.
KV-2 has a better armor piercing round now.
Premium tanks are worse to at best the same as tech tree counterparts.
Zero premiums are superior to tech tree tanks.
i will see what i can do about the stabalizer for the Bt-7
of-40 mtca has a better engine than of-40 mk2
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Every tank is already made pointless with the low RP and SL gain, and the insane penalties to RP for rank differences compared to premium.