I went to buy premium tanks, then i remembered playing " Armored Fist 3" in my childhood. It has a detail interior. If i spend some of my cotton field earning on tanks, atleast i should get some interior views/control panel etc. I dont know wethers its already present in the game. So, some one pls enlighten me.
I have attached a pic from web.
Thanks :) . But i like realistic more.
Tank interiors would be cool, there is a “driver view” but its not exactly immersive, there would probably be a lot of placeholder interiors though like with many bomber cockpits
Sim doesn’t have tank interiors.
We only have cockpit view, and even that’s scuffed in cases.
Like, the Mustang Mk Ia can open its cockpit in 3rd person view but not first person. Not very consequential, but I like to pop my cockpit after landing or before landing (especially if damaged engine or otherwise rough).
More serious is… see the sim “MFD bugs” thread.
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I forgot to mention one thing, is that in that game some of the switches were also functional (& have few more interior) Like night visions. I dont need detailed interior with all of those functional keys. But atleast some interior will be good.
It doesn’t but it is closest to what he wants.
It’d be a cool feature to have but I don’t see it being implemented any time soon. If SIM ever has a significant increase in popularity we might start seeing tank interiors as a feature, if the the commander view function is ever modified to have a inside perspective for a ‘buttoned down’ mode.
From what I’ve observed from the latest models of tank wrecks on the battlefield, there appears to be models of the interior features fleshed out, I don’t think they’d have textures though. However when you consider any of the vehicles with open fighting compartments, the interiors are reasonably detailed, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the designers responsible for the models haven’t already implemented basic interiors for the vehicles.
Might end up as a cool Garage feature one day if the devs decide that an inspection mode would improve the bottom line.
Well it does not require to play SIM :). Everyone, who has the tank can use the interior views at any time. I understand your concern. But it is also possible that after adding those details, people will start playing the sim more or may be realistic battles with only tank interiors.
That is a wild statement
I’m for this and it seems like the next step after the new component models, but we’d likely end up with a lot of really unfinished and unuseable placeholder interiors. Still a neat idea, +1
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or may be realistic battles with only tank interiors.
Come now, don’t be so naive. Most players aren’t willing to engage with sim as a game mode, nor are they willing to handicap themselves by implementing more realistic elements such as tank gunner sights in RB unless everyone else is also forced too.
While it does not ‘require’ SIM, I would make the case that SIM is the game mode where players are forced to engage with the most realistic elements of the game. In planes this means the cockpit view, in tanks this means restricted third person camera and I have never played Naval Sim to know what it’s like.
Based on the above, my belief is that the only reason Gaijin would implement tank interiors would be to give the player something to look at if the commander position was changeable in game, if for instance the tank commander was forced to be a hatches open standing target to enable 3rd person view, otherwise if the player wanted to be less vulnerable, they could ‘button-down’/close the commander hatch and the commander would have a first person view of the interior of the tank, and their respective sites, episcopes and periscopes. Hence the sim requirements, otherwise this would be a purely cosmetic feature for the hangar which allows players detailed inspection of their vehicles.
I think the interior placeholders would be btter than plane cockpits, on account of most of interior elements being modelled as modules, if you look at wrecks on the battlefield through open hatches there already appears to be a in interior modelled to some degree.
I think there would be a lot of.placeholder instrument panels and controls but at least the overall layoit would be unique
Well for my case, i dont want to play sim. For me, realistic is easy to play, and a short time game. I understand that i cant expect a large field to have experience like other big games. People dont want to drive tanks for few minutes and get shot.
But whenever i see those premium tanks (i have some and will brought again) that have good price tags, atleast i can expect some interior designs (can have if a game is soley based on tanks , having similar price). Not mechanics like loading.
So, atleast it will be good if war thunder add features like that, or give any options to us to add. Like the tiger tank aiming optics (i dont remeber the correct word).
Btw thanks :)
Steel Beasts. Its down the hall and around the corner in actual .MIL sims.