Talk about the Su-34

Well, considering it cannot counter planes as well, but helis very nicely I’d say it’s decent.
And if killing any ground target with ease is just mid to you, let’s remove that ability shall we?

I think it’s the only anti tank launcher that can fire 8 aams before reloading.

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It can, its also huge, bulky, slow has poor optics is a massive vertical silhouette.
The Only time an ADATS gets ground kills is when it is being spawncamped.

the more important aspect of the SAM is it’s ability to destroy aircraft, ADATS fails in this with 8km range missiles. Remind me whats Pantsirs range?

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Just grind the air tree bro trust. Solves all the problems trust.

found this screen shot from a Chinese player


good God…
I guess that SU34&KH38 vs SPAA meme is now real lol
*edit, seems like it has been posted



Since when does spawning in my fully spaded sea harrier FA2, tornado F3 late or Gripen c equal the same SP cost as either the ADATS or Stormer?

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I was just being ironic, there is no real SPAA counter against the Su-34, and that includes the Pantsir S1. Although playing CAP can be useful, you’re pretty constricted to that role, and even more constricted if there is an Enemy Pantsir S1

Might be time for sky saber.

I’d at least like some level of threat flying CAS with Russian toptier.

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Yeah, I think it is, if they can figure out a good way to provide external radar. Then I think the logical step is to move all SPAAs forward a notable jump, because there simply isnt options for incremental leaps anymore

Could also enable ARMs on the slower strike platforms, for testing their addition.

Yup, neither CAS nor SPAA can move forward at the moment.

I mean, CAS can. Probably shouldn’t, but if we’re getting Rafale then I am entirely expecting AASM to come (probably a few variants), and that’s cruel even used on a pantsir. Shouldn’t doesn’t really stop Gaijin.

Good I’m so sick of fighting anything that had an f-16 / f-15 that could nuke me from space and my pansir with a lock would magically miss


oh b.t.w this was in a game i was having as i was scrolling this page l o l

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