If you’re carrying on the comparison with the M26, the answer is no. Panthers have roughly in the region of 40mm of side armour, almost half the M26’s. That’s why angling can so easily lead to overmatch.
The gun is great at long range. At short range, the extra flat pen rarely matters. The UFP is great against rushed or poorly aimed center mass shots. When brawling, anyone who knows what they’re doing will never bother to try and shoot it, they’ll go for the turret, or the gun, knowing that you don’t have the mobility to get away.
Mobility is subpar. Lack of workable reverse gear means you can’t easily relocate (encouraging you to stay at range). Slow turret traverse means you can’t easily react up close (encouraging you to stay at range). Acceleration is also sluggish as well.
To good aim you must know right distance but you have no time because Panthers no need to aim at your weakspots and it can just shoot without big distance adjustments
“Aim for the turret” is hardly unique to Panthers as an armour layout trait around this BR.
As for the Panther not needing to aim… Against a Sherman or a T-34-85, maybe, which is not because the Panther’s gun is exceptional, but because the hulls in question are very vulnerable. Go play German 6.0 without knowing weakspots and just shooting everything you meet in the UFP, let me know how it goes.
If it heavy anyone must aim its normal, but medium tank killing Heavy tank in both ufp weakspot and in turret and lfp from big distance when heavy must aim weakspots isn’t normal.
No, he was talking about the Tiger II, and said that the Jagdpanther is much better.
Depends what you mean exactly, because technically, it can penetrate IS-3 and IS-4M from the front as well, it just requires very precise aiming.
Similar to those I would put T95, Object 268, Ho-Ri Production, T32, T32E1 and M103 as opponents that require good aim and knowledge of weakspots.
I provided arguments, though. If you think I’m wrong and I’m missing something that makes the Panther amazing in CQC, I’d like to hear it. I don’t mean that sarcastically, I joined the forum precisely because it’s a learning opportunity.
Since from the description you’re talking about the IS-2, no, the IS-2 does not need to aim for weakspots to take out a Panther. It’s literally the Panther counter for a reason.
“From a distance” is exactly where the Panther shines, that’s sort of the point.
It’s not hard, it has a bullshit damage model regarding volumetric heavily buffing its old weakspots, its very fast, the gun is a point and clicker, etc. The only real downsides are bad side armor and no reverse which is pretty easy to work around when your frontal profile is insane
The old maps allowed you to drive as wide as you wanted and were great.Sometimes going so wide and driving for so long backfired and sometimes it worked ,it was a gamble and a decision for the player.
Now there is no option and many vehicles have become redundant.
Why would Gaijin do this?