Take part in the Guardian Angel Event for Air Realistic Battles!

It is even a LOT worse than the regular Air RB matches, as in those you CAN at least sometimes reach the base and land some hits. Here, zero chance.

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And here we are again, slowly but surely the outdated game model… As in other debates here on the forum, in this topic we come to the fact that the air component of the game needs to be modernized … i.e. the ARB upgrade…

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However, it is a good thing, even if unbalanced, that we have brought back the good old historical event mode.

It would be nice for seeing interception of V-1 buzz-bomb with RAF aircrafts or Korean War event which were exist in the game back then.

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I expect this less-than-fully-positive reaction will be used by Gaijin in future to justify a lack of similar events - “look, we tried it and folk didn’t like it”.

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Sadly yes. This might be why they used one of the worst event missions and left out SB which always has been the best mode for these historical events.

Bring more of these old events, i loved the event 262 vs B17G event

Tried that mode yesterday with my Zwilling and it was borked, all my tracer HEI shells fired at close range at several enemies just vanished in the air with zero damage.

Ah yes, Flight of the Swallows. That was a fun event!

Honestly, I think most players who really enjoy historical event modes are not concerned with balancing. The reason for this is that the focus of these events is to have a historical event re-enactment.

If they actually care about balance, they should complain about the random battles instead of blaming the historical event mode like this one, since historically there were rarely equal battles.

It would be awesome if we could see attack of Pearl Harbor event or Korean War event.

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Love that it is back, but I fear these are just added in the base standard and then Gaijin and a few players/CCs play the “See, players don’t like these events, so we don’t really need to add them or work on them”
… completely ignoring the fact that part of the reason people don’t like playing the event is that no work is being done to improve the event on AI, winning conditions, team compositions/balance, etc. - There is no integration of the events to help a bit in terms of grind events, meaning that if you want to progress on grind events you cannot play this event (see Pages of History, it was for Vietnam era vehicles and is now for German Navy and British air)

Best regards,


Yes, I also think it’s good that Gaijin has returned to the occasional weekend event… At least because it’s the only chance to play at a higher altitude and relatively faithful historical sets…
But even then, ten years ago, these events aroused passionate debates on the old forum …

I remember a few of them…

Battle of Britain - an almost perfect event, historically accurate sets of machines, but …
The Bf-109 F did not take part in this battle, but since the highest in the event, in the German tree, was the E version, which was not enough for Spitfires, after a while the players did not want to play for Germany, so Gaijin had to add the F version, so that there would be some players in the German tree…

And unfortunately, it turned out quite negatively that the effectiveness of weapons - 7.7 mm, 20 mm, etc. is a subject of balance here in the game… so basically no one knows how effective those weapons really were…

Then it was Operation Chastice themed - British night version of Guardian Angel in the game … There are no dams on the maps, so again it was the Ruhr map and the factory … Night battles, when there were too many single engine Bf and FW in the game, which outshot the team faster Lancasters. Moreover, instead of the Bf-110, there were Me-410s in the game and their players complained that the single-engine fighters would eat everything up … The Lancaster players, again, cried that they were being shot down like target pigeons…

The same was Korea, B-29s escorted by F-80s… The MiG 15s destroyed them long before the Shooting Stars came within range…

They are good events, but it would be good to work them out…
I would be interested in the event of a night raid with a set -
Lancasters, Stirling, Halifax, Mosquitos vs late Bf-110, Me-410, He-219;
or Wellingtons, Blenheims, Hampdens, Beaufighters vs. Do-17, Do-217, early Me-110…

And the France vs. events are completely missing. Italy -1939/40 and other nations …
Only the “big four” rule here - GER, USA, GB and USSR

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Um … I played in the event except fighters,
14 battles from B-17E(S) - clean aircraft from the hangar, no modification …
of which 10 wins, 4 losses, only twice I was not destroyed…
Only once did I manage to fly over the factory and destroy it…
Profit approx 50000 SL with PU … which is good

You can play at a height where you have a chance to damage someone (assist.) and then you usually finish, or somehow get above the factory and if you’re lucky (your own fighters play well and you don’t get shot, or you don’t crash) you will rarely manage to bomb the target …
So the bomber is not the plane that sets the direction in the event, but it is interesting…
In any case, you need to have the modifications fully researched, the crew at the highest possible level and of course learn to control the flight of the bomber and fire with onboard weapons …

So as an event it’s not bad and it’s good that they are… !
But there is always room for improvement.

Overall impression … finally an aerial battle at altitude where you and your team are not distracted by the ground AI, but everyone has one task, to protect the bombers and surprisingly, a lot of players understand this …
And fairly accurate historical aircraft sets…

This type of map is missing in daily ARB…

Well the event is over, I hope Gaijin plans to bring back limited time events like this. It was decent fun!

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