Take part in the Guardian Angel Event for Air Realistic Battles!

the b17 does not survive at all like it would have in real life. ive died way to fast or lost my tail to a single plane that has only 1 20mm. its way to squishy

Disable ticket bleed from empty team, at least for the US side. The whole event is about stopping the bombers from getting to the base or protecting them while they do so, it doesn’t make sense to have ticket bleed. If both teams only engage fighters the bombers get through but the Germans still win because ticket bleed.


tickets are only lost when bombers are killed, so if you have only 2-3 bombers survive then the tickets drain away. It’s not a constant bleed.

I’ve had the exact opposite experience. I’ve only once seen the Germans actually able to shoot down all the bombers, any time they win is by killing all the American players and the game ends (bad mechanic btw the game should be bomber escort focused not TDM).

  • The high-altitude, high-speed spawns definitely favour the American side as the Germans are much less able to use their advantages in climb rate and low-speed performance.
  • This is an issue, player bombers should spawn just behind the formation
  • I haven’t seen B-17s burn longer than usual, they’ve always been tough birds
  • Haven’t seen this happen but that would be an issue lol

When all player vehicles are destroyed the game ends quickly, as if it was a normal ARB match, even if no AI bombers were destroyed.

I’ve played 3 matches and it’s incredible how something so old can be a breath of fresh air. Spawning together at altitude, with a purpose, 1-2 mins before making contact, I wish this and variations of this would be standard gamemodes.





so true

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First game got off to a bad start as the Germans started with three more players. Is that roughly how it works?


Ah. That seems immediately unbalanced, though I see your screenshot above :-)

balanced by this fella

Great work Gaijin! It’s like meeting an old friend after years…
Sometimes to remember the times of events…
And what is the name of the last major update … Air Superiority ? … how apt … and it doesn’t have to be just a fight of many F-15s …

For those playing it for the first time… when you first attack the bombers, or the enemy fighters, keep flying straight after the attack, depending on the type of aircraft, possibly avoid a head-on fight and then watch the space behind you and then turn vertically and choose a target … you need more than in everyday ARB, watch the space around you … good luck


I would love to play this, in simulator rb is just unfun to me

There must be a bug in this event.

TWICE now I was flying my B-17, evaded fighters, was in the approach to the bomb base… and it was called DEFEAT because all AI bombers were shot down. Hello? I am still here?

I could have WON this??


Do not play bombers. You cannot earn any RP AT ALL, except if you score a gunner kill.

You cannot kill the base, either the AI bombers are depleted, or they reach the target before you…

It looks like the bombers are really only up to the number of…

It’s been 11 years since this event was presented…ughf

So… a little improvement would be nice…
Modify the event so that only the aircraft type marker and the distance in km or yards are displayed … the point is that the players do not immediately know if they are attacking the AI aircraft or the live-player aircraft …
And bombers-live players, put in the box AI bombers …

If the opposing players know which bomber is a live-player, they will go after him first and the bomber is really useless…

Maybe try to go immediately after airstart, dive to a height of about 2000 meters, don’t tear off the wings and fly to the base … I don’t know, maybe I’ll try it tomorrow …

Uhh … all the time I’m trying to avoid air combats like hellball low to the ground … and here this hell ball high up, I think it’s quite fun in game … :-)))))

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Exactly what I did.

The AI bombers were destroyed while I was able to slip by unnoticed. Just, the match ended with defeat the moment the final AI bomber died.

For bombers, this is a terribly made event.


I managed a three kill assists over two games. Not a chance of making a bomb drop, especially in game two where we mostly spawned in as bombers so had too few fighters and were again outnumbered by three players anyway.

I thought this would be a fun addition for bombers but it looks like they’re just pinatas (again).

Welp, tried to take the B-17G-60-VE for a spin. Crew level 75 and aced. The gunners do nothing on their own. The damage model for the plane is busted, a single burst from any German plane cut me in half. Have fun playing outdated game modes without me.

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