Tachikawa Ki-36

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Tachikawa Ki-36




The Ki-36 reconnaissance aircraft conducted its inaugural flight on April 20, 1938, and commenced mass production in November of that year. Subsequent to 1942, it faced setbacks in terms of performance, rendering it unsuitable for combat operations. Nevertheless, the aircraft boasted a broad field of vision for its pilot, facilitated easy observation from below, exhibited commendable maneuverability at low altitudes, and possessed the capability to take off and land in rugged terrains. Consequently, the Japanese army repurposed the Ki-36 aircraft for liaison duties with ground forces. Production of the Ki-36 aircraft ceased in 1944, with a total of 1,333 units manufactured.

A significant fleet of Ki-36 aircraft was employed by the Japanese invaders for reconnaissance purposes during their presence on the Chinese battlefield. Subsequently, a portion of these aircraft were repurposed as liaison aircraft. Amidst the Sino-Japanese War, the ROCAF managed to seize a number of Ki-36 aircraft. In 1945, these aircraft were put into service for liaison flights connecting Northeast China and Zhangjiakou. As part of the preparations to establish an aviation school, personnel transported the Ki-36 aircraft from Zhangjiakou to the Northeast for training purposes.

In November 1949, upon the official establishment of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force, the Seventh Aviation School utilized two Type 98 liaison aircraft that were still in service to train pilots.

Currently the successor model of the aircraft, Ki-55, is on display at a museum in Beijing. (The aircraft is claimed to be Ki-36, however, it has the landing gear layout of Ki-55)

Technical Data


Crew - 2

Length - 8 m

Height - 3.64 m

Wingspan - 11.8 m

Empty Weight - 1,247 kg

Gross Weight - 1,640 kg

Powerplant - 1 x Hitachi Ha13a Radial engine. (390 kW takeoff, 350 kW at 1,700 m)

Max Speed - 348 km/h

Rate of Climb - 13.2 m/s

Service Ceiling - 8,150 m

Range - 1,235 km


1 x 7.7mm Type 89 machine gun.

1 x 7.7mm Type 89 machine gun in dorsal turret.

10 x 15 kg Type 92 No.1 bombs.

1 x 250 kg Type 92 No.25 bomb.







Encyclopedia of Chinese Aircraft, Vol.2 (Page 8-9)

Tachikawa Ki-36 - Wikipedia

1 Like

Not bad at all. Another interesting one would be Ki-51.

Should be added to bot the ROCAF and Japan.