T90 3bm60

Why does the the T-90 get 3bm60 but higher br T80’s don’t?
The premium doesn’t get it and it should, the uk doesn’t get it, and the standard I doesn’t get it.

Gameplay wise doesn’t make sense to me.
T-80s being at 11.7 when they don’t get the best round is awful gameplay.

You only get 20-40 less angled pen than the 3BM60 with a 3BM46. I don’t think it’s a big issue. But historical reason is that older MZ and AZ autoloaders can’t use the longer 3BM60


Ah I see

Then why are the T-80’s at 11.7?
They don’t seem as survivable as the T-90’s.

Cause they were 11.3 that got moved up to 11.7 because of decompression. It is still decent because it has better turret armor than the T-80BVM and just as fast

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Ah thank you for the explanations, I really appreciate that.

Additionally the T-80s are faster in reverse- the T-90s only have 4km/h max reverse speed while the T-80s have the still poor but certainly a lot better 11km/h

I think the T-80UE-1 should get the 3BM60 APFSDS-T since the whole main purpose of the modernization was to accommodate larger rounds with its modern autoloader on top of revised electronics but other vehicles aren’t capable of it due to the legacy autoloader.

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To be more accurate, UE-1 should be the TT one and the Swedish export model (the TT one) should be the premium

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Also the T-90 has 1 less degree of gun depression, it doesn’t sound like much but given that Russian tanks only have -5 Deg. thats a 20% reduction and it’s very noticeable.