T80 UD/Object 292 too low of BR

I’m here to report that the T80UD (new premium) and the object 292 are too low in battle ratings. I’m saying this as the new premium is an 11.3 chassis, turret, barrel, and ammunition type, I feel like this is unfair to face other 10.0 vehicles such as the challenger DS and M1 KVT which don’t stand a chance. The thing with the object 292 being at 10.0, is that it also faces these vehicles but can shoot it anywhere and kill it where it wants where as the opposing tanks cant do anything about it as it is yet again another T-80 chassis.


Obj-292 belongs at 10.7 easily.
T-80UD belongs at 10.3 easily, maybe higher, but the lower mobility paired with a lack of thermal imaging could warrant 10.3.
2S38 belongs at 10.7.
BMP-2M belongs at 10.3/10.7.
T-72B belongs at 9.7 from my understanding.
Strela-10M2 needs to be fixed and lowered.
2S25M belongs at 10.7 as well, with that nutty round and thermal vision, all while having actually good mobility.


wolfpack and 1128


fixed ?
With its performane rn more likely uptiered ^^


Just needs a flare resistance nerf, pretty much has stinger resistance on steroids (not talking about the photo contrast mode)
Doesn’t need to keep creating an even bigger gap by constantly moving it up

ye figured that much got shot down a few times in my mig29 from it lol

Yes I agree, the Wolfpack needs to go up as well. But probably 10.3 given its chonky size, depression, turning circle, and reload

Post I made the other day. Topics probably gonna die though haha
A user in this thread also said it had stinger flare resistance at one point, possibly still has it, which would make sense as to why it’s acting this way.

Remember that the USA now also has an Abrams-M60 hybrid that uses an 11.0 weapon at 10.0, so far my T-90 has never bounced a shot from the 120mm M829A1, not as strong as the 152mm but it’s pretty close in stopping power when you take the total crews number into account.

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It has the worst mobility of any M60 in the game. It’s heavier while having the old engine. It’s also just a massive weak spot, the turret armor won’t matter when it can get one shot from aiming down 2 inches. But regardless the cannon and thermals definitely make it worth 10.3. 10.0 is a bit low…

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Better survivability thanks to the unmanned turret very fast very good thermals simillar reload to sprut and can at least withstand any damages would say should be same br as sprut


Tall as a house, and on most maps, if not all, your crew is always able to be hit.

If you know how to aim it’s a easy one shot vehicle…

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Like sprut


Like sprut


They both deserve to be the same br if other one gets up tiered

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jet obj 292 is the worst offender
m60-2000 got 0 armor compared to it and is a 1 shot…

Except 120S reloads faster so can kill more tanks in same time than obj292 and has very good thermals

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YE AS long as all crew members are alive…
which is hard to maintain when you have the speed of a schoolbus and armor wise are the same
meanwhile 292 has better all around armor better gun with a reload that won’t go higher because of dead crewmember …


So HSTVL to 11.7, Strf 9040C to 10.3, and Begleit to 9.7. Unless you mean 2S38 to 10.3 which I’ll agree on.
M3A3 and Strf 9040 BILL to 10.3/10.7.

T-72B and T-80UD are effectively identical…

T-80UD and T-72B should be 10.3 alongside 292 IMO.

The 292 can be 10.3 due to how powerful the gun is, but the T-72B… it’s overall worse than the T-64B IMO and the extra few mm of armor doesn’t really offset the lousy sight zoom and the losing that one degree of gun depression, imagine the T-72B is at the same br as the Moderna lol. The 1989 also a mediocre tank at best, none of them could hold their on when it comes to fighting the Leopard 2 except the 292.