T32 moved to 7.0 and T32e1 moved to 7.3

The T32 and T32e1 are great tanks don’t get me wrong, they’re just slightly too high in br to be effective. Again they’re great tanks but I will go over 3 reasons why they should be brought down in br.

  1. Armor: The T32 and e1 tanks are quite heavily armored, and would be difficult tanks to take down, but there are several reasons they should be brought down. First off for the regular T32 just shoot the mg port, if its angled shoot either the barrel or try to go low near the front wheels. For the E1 it is slightly more challenging, as the mg port is covered up and there is also another plate before the regular ufp. But honestly is the armor really that good? And does covering up the mg port really warrant the br increase? Well lets look at some competitors to these tanks. The 6.7 tiger 2 has more armor than the regular T32 but less than the E1, which doesn’t matter considering basically nothing can pen 150mm @50* anyways. The 7.3 Is-3 has 110mm of armor @56*, which is also impenetrable to both the tiger 2 and the T32s. So basically it doesn’t have much more armor than stuff .3 or even 1.0 below it, and anything above it or at its battle rating with HEAT-FS can easily pen it.
    T32e1: (for regular T32 just ignore the 95mm plate)

    Tiger 2:


  2. Firepower: The T32 and E1 both have the long 90mm T15e2 cannon, which while quite intimidating to medium tanks such as the panthers and T-34s, however it comes up lacking when facing heavy tanks around 6.7-7.7, and then it becomes a major issue in full or even partial uptiers. Lets go back to our previous examples of the tiger 2 and the Is-3, and use their top rounds. The tiger 2 has 237mm of pen at 0*, 180mm at 30*, and 79mm at 60*. The Is-3 has 230mm at 0*, 178mm at 30*, and 82mm at 60*. The T32s have 224mm at 0*, 170mm at 30*, and 76mm at 60*. Now this may seem like its not that much of a difference, but when you have an aced reload of 15 seconds this may be a bit of a problem, the tiger has twice the reload rate with great armor, the Is-3 does have a longer reload rate but due to volumetric and very angled armor even side shots are very risky.

    Tiger 2:


  3. The uptier (even downtier)problem: So now lets look at the issue of why in my opinion the T32 tanks should be downtiered, uptiers (and partially downtiers(I’ll get there I promise). I’m going to list a few tanks from the other nations that are slightly higher in br or potentially even lower that have an easy time with the T32e1.
    DF105: has HEAT-FS, 8.0
    M48a2 G: has DM23, 8.3
    Raketenautomat do I even need to explain this one?, 8.0
    Turm III: again do I even need to explain this?, 8.3
    Ru 251: Has HEAT-FS at 7.3,
    Jagdtiger: can lfp the T32 tanks and kill them using overpressure and has better armor than them, 6.7
    Is-3: reasons already stated, 7.3
    Object 268: can lfp the T32 tanks and kill with overpressure and can pen the sides even when angled, it also has better armor, 7.0
    T-54 (1951): cant be frontally penned by the T15e2 and has sabot and HEAT-FS, 8.0
    Object 906: stabilized 85mm, can frontally pen the T32e1 anywhere, 8.0
    Is-4/7: both can only be frontally penned on a very small weakspot on the turret cheek, similar to is-3, 7.7

Thats just a small list of them but there are many tanks from the other nations that are also better (looking at you USH), the T32 and T32e1 are good tanks but at the ratings they are at now are just unusable. And honestly one thing I can do to wrap this up is by showing one final picture


If the super heavies Ts never went to the game, maybe T32 and T32E1 would be placed at 6.7,

US has a lot of 6.7, specially 6.7 heavies, lowering T32 and T32E1’s BR would create another gap and more threads about “USA (x vehicle) gap, fix it now Gaijin!!!” will start to appear, same to the SPAA,

Which in this topic, is a fair point.

T32E1’s equivalents are all 7.7: Maus, IS-4M, etc.
T-55AM-1 cannot pen T32E1 anywhere close to easily with minor angling:

IS-3 is inferior to T32E1, Maus, and IS-4M.

No turret, and is easily penned by T32E1.



Yeah using apcr, but the T26e1 can do that too so what’s the difference? Also if the jagdtiger wiggles just a bit the apcr decides to enter the shadow realm. The thing you said about having equivalents at the same br is kind of redundant considering

(Maybe the Panzer IV H would be a better comparison to the sherman, its only 1.3 below the sherman instead of 1.7 but still thats a lot)

Thanks for the constructive criticism though, conversations about american tanks tend to turn into “russian bias” and then “dumb america main.”


Another option is to make a gap between 7.7 and 8.7. Think of it (7.7)as a “top tier”. It would not face anything higher than 7.7 or 8.0 or even 8.3. Thus it can separate the cold war tanks from the ww2 tanks


T26E5 should end up at 7.0 at some point if/when enough people get good with APCR.
However, it has less armor than the standard T32 which itself has less armor than the T32E1.

I will not address the screenshots that are obviously not related to this topic.

And you’re welcome; I do my best to treat everyone with respect.
While I disagree, I do my best to remain respectful and hopefully that respect is reciprocated despite my disagreement.

While I have little complaints [I still have some] of BRs above 7.7 being moved up again to decompress 7.7, I will stand by the existing heavy 7.7s staying 7.7 in their current state.

Oh and T32E1’s biggest threat in a full up-BR is T-55M from Finland in the Swedish tech tree.

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I would say the inferior mobility and primarly armor, Pz. IV, specially early variants has almost no armor, specially on the side, I could easily knockout a Pz. IV with a M2HB.

The M4A1 76 W has, obviously better protection, better turret armor, decent mobility and low speed stabilizer, it’s a good vehicle for the kind of player that wants to keep on the move.


Are you unironically saying that a Panzer IV F2 or H is equal to a 76mm M4A1?


Any hard limits just leads to certain vehicles being stuck in a perma uptier/downtier.

We just need decompression. The T-55AM-1 and similar tanks should not be facing 7.7s, but they shouldn’t be going to 9.0 either.

Idk I was kind of grasping at straws with that one, 2s38 and HSTVL one still stands though

HSTVL is the fastest tank in the game with a gun that performs 20% better than the other in penetration.
Further statements would warrant us going to a different topic to discuss it.


The T32s are a prime victim of BR compression


They just need a reload buff. The only thing that kills their ability to fight at their current br is the reload.


7.7s mostly🐶💩, like Caernarvon despite having full stab, the hull is crap, even panther can frontally pen the lower plates lol and most importantly the apds shatters and non-penning 3 out of 5 shots just because, certain angle bro. And the zoom is crap too like long-range the lines in your sight is often thicker than the enemy tank lol

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you mean the BRs… they were originally at?

It was all good and games until you mentioned the elefant in the middle of the room.

once again this skill issue thread. T32 is one of the best heavy tanks in game. It has amazing all round mobility for a heavy, great gun with decent reload and amazing armor with small and low placed weakspots that can shrug off some of the early apds/apfsds rounds. Decompression also helped it a lot in recent times, plenty of old 7.3 are now 8.0s

You are basically asking to be handholded in order to get nukes.


The other day I witnessed these two guys while watching server replay, T32E1 and the Ho Ri who meet each other in Advance to the Rhine, both shot at each other for three minutes straight and both couldn’t deal damage past the broken barrel and tracks. This is one of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.


No I want a tank with roughly equal stats (often actually worse stats) to a tiger 2 H to not be 7.7 where it has to fight the tanks I listed above. In what world should a T32e1 have to fight a T55am-1.

If you have an issue with my skill then look at this
Win rate: 42%
Average place on scoreboard: top 30%
Average k/d: 0.8
I’d say I have average skill (maybe a bit below average) but then again I only have about 650 hours of playtime.

T32 gets better all round mobility, depression, 50 cal and armor without huge gaping hole at the front of the turret that leads to the ammo rack, like KT has. Turret of T32 is almost inpenetrable frontally which (together with -10 depression and great reverse) makes for a great hull down potential.

full uptiers mean nothing as every 7.7 tank will struggle against every 8.7 tank.

thos pics mean nth to the topic either

So you literally admitted that teams with you are losing much often than winning. And KD below one is bad. It is no shame tho as it can get better, but you need to learn instead of proposing unneccessary changes.