T14 is Terrible

The T14 is a tank thats painful to play, Youre just a more obese M4A2 at a higher BR, thats slower and has no increase in firepower or armour, the armour is actually worse as you have a massive weakspot in the UFP and the turret armour is somehow in practice worse than a regular sherman, i really dont see how this thing is 4.7 and should fight Panthers and Tigers when things like the KV-1B and KV-1E exist at 4.0 which have more armour than you and soviet rounds oh and you cant front pen them since they have 100mm of armour :)

T14 still has a gyro stabilizer over the Panther, Tiger, KV-1B, and KV-1E, and T45 APCR shell to also pen them. It can still pen these tanks through weak spots, (IE: cupolas, turret cheeks, MG port, LFP sides) even with the regular M61 APHE shell.


Nobody uses APCR, Gaijin has made its own version of APCR ingame that doesnt function like it did irl, and no you cant kill every tank, while the stabilizer helps, why play this when the M4A2 is the same thing but allot lower and doesnt fight half these tanks??


I mean, I personally find it very enjoyable. It’s just a lower BR Jumbo, but with another weak spot (turret face). It’s gun isn’t the best, but is good enough for more targets, especially when you know where to aim. It also has upwards of 5 sec reload I believe, so you can get 2 shots for most enemies 1 shot. It is slower, but gets more armor. It can’t stop 5.7 guns that often, but Fi you angle, maybe wiggle your hull and turret and you’ll be fine most of the time. Overall, I enjoy it, and understand why some people won’t, but idk how you could say such a fun vehicle is not fun to play or even good.

Also, if you want you can ask questions on how to play it and I, with many others I’m sure, would be glad to help you!

Have a good day :)

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I use APCR on the T14. With the T14 you have to use all the different types of ammo youre given (except for the AP-shell). T-14 has great armor if you remember to angle just remember to angle the turret too as the turret face has less armor.

I personally bring 61 rounds. (This stows all ammo in the floor)
5 HE

It CAN be really good, just that everyone knows the turret is weak as hell now…

Can’t really hide that weakspot, and it’s a real crippling one.

Your hull when properly angled is almost impervious to panthers.

Panthers love to shoot at hulls.

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JESUS MAN! I stress bringing more than 30 rounds😂

Yeah… It’s sad. I’ve seen so many more people being able to handle T-14’s ever since that WT wiki video was posted. At this point, I just turn my turret to the side when someone is shooting at me 😂


Shell/Shot 61 has more than 100mm+ of pen if I remember right…

104 at point blank at 90°

Meh, angled UFP is heavy enough to shrug shots off while you take out the tracks.

The KV 1-B and E are still way better as heavy tanks and sit at 4.0 so wtf

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The worst thing is that i usually run out of ammo…

My friend which has played the T14 way more than me consistently pulls of 20 kill games in that thing. Its a monster.

The T14 is an absolute monster to get multi kill awards with. Stabilization, very good round, 12,7mm MG, good mobility… You do need to play it like a medium tank instead of a heavy one if you’re in a full uptier, but at your BR and below you’re a certified clubber.

Oh, and you can one-shot KV-1E/B quite easily through the driver, LFP or the mantlet.

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They’re still far better HEAVY tanks than you and played by people with more than 5 hours so you won’t get easy kills on them

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