This is a topic discussing the performance and in-game inaccuracies of the new T-80UD/BE introduced in the Winter Tales event
Ongoing/Acknowledged Reports:
Wrong designation of the vehicle, should be called the T-80UD/DU-1 - Community Bug Reporting System (acknowledged)
Wrong tank gun, should be the 125mm HIT Tank Gun - Community Bug Reporting System (P1, P2, “not a bug”)
Wrong usage of munition, should have access to the domestically produced Nazia/Naiza APFSDS - Community Bug Reporting System (acknowledged)
Wrong engine X-Ray model, should be the same as the base T-80UD or MBT2000/Al-Khalid-I - Community Bug Reporting System (acknowledged)
Incorrect parade camouflage, missing markings - Community Bug Reporting System (ongoing)
Incorrect environment designation for the T-80UD/BEs desert camouflage - Community Bug Reporting System (ongoing)
The T-80UD/BE in-game is incorrectly designated after the T-80UD 478BE which featured a welded turret, domestic tank gun and possibly improved engine/transmission which can already be found on the MBT2000 or Al-Khalid-I - the actual designation of the vehicle should be the T-80UD 478DU-1 or T-80UD/DU-1 for short.
The T-80UD/BE is also missing the option to carry domestic shells like the Naiza DU APFSDS which would have better performance than both 3BM60 and DTC10-125 if implemented correctly (real life values), it currently has the same C&P munition loadouts as the base T-80UD - it would likely perform similarly to TAPNA.
The T-80UD/BE also uses the wrong tank gun, it should have access to the 125mm HIT Tank Gun produced by Heavy Industries Taxila, it currently uses the 2A46M-1 in-game which is pretty unhistorical.
The T-80UD/BE should also be fitted with the 6DT-II engine which can already be found on both the MBT2000 and Al-Khalid-I, this engine would allow the vehicle to achieve 32km/h in reverse and would produce 1200hp (200hp more than the current 6DT-I).
With the current 10.7 environment of China, there is little to no actual lineup which could match up with the T-80UD/BE in-game, I recommend the adjustment of the vehicle and moving it up to 11.0 to fit neatly with the already established lineup.
Playing the T-80UD/BE can be pretty overwhelming at this BR due to the performance of your team and the God awful reverse speed, it would be best to introduce the 6DT-II engine onto the vehicle which in turn would also make it more distinct from the base T-80UD we’ve already got in-game.
I’m very disappointed with Gaijin, they’ve done little to no research on the actual T-80UD/DU-1 or T-80UD/BE and made a hastily put together C&P vehicle with the only difference between the DU-1 and T-80UD being thermals and slightly better ERA coverage on the turret, changes should be made to make the vehicle unique and fun to play.
- Keep The Same
- Introduce Some of These
- Introduce All of These
Use this topic to discuss the performance and inaccuracies of the T-80UD/DU-1/BE or for gathering information on this vehicle and other related things