T-80UD/BE (T-80UD 478DU-1) Performance & Inaccuracies

But, with thermals and a vastly better shell

It would have only like 60mm to 80mm of more penetration than 3BM60, it was more of a exaggeration on my side (think of it as a marketing pitch lol).

They have almost identical UFP’s, almost identical armor profile for the entire vehicle

Entirely a lie, I’ve tested both the T-80U and T-80UD kinetic hull protection and I’ve came to the conclusion that the T-80U has a far better UFP than the T-80UD, the T-80UD has around 510mm of protection whilst the T-80U has upwards of 600mm.

Same as the T-80UM-2, Same as the T-80UM-2, Same as the T-80UM-2 but, with thermals and a vastly better shell

Thermals nearly never determine a vehicles placement at BRs above 10.7 with there being little exception, this shouldn’t be something of note as the T-80UM-2 is more of an outlier.

The penetration of the domestic Naiza APFSDS also would vary when put into Gaijins calculator, it could easily have less penetration than 3BM60, best to wait and see before making judgements.


Wait, so you want it to be an entirely different variation?

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It’s a complicated story but I’ll simplify for you (I’ve spent hours digging into this)

The T-80UD/BE in-game has the model of the T-80UD/DU-1 whilst having the designation for the T-80UD with the welded turret, Gaijin plans to correct this and redesignate the vehicle to the T-80UD/DU-1.

I was just mentioning that the T-80UD/BE would in real life have a welded turret, I’d like a T-80UD/BE in-game but not as this current event vehicle, it would be best as a high tier tech tree vehicle to compliment Chinas high tier lineups.

The designation for Pakistani T-80UDs are all around the place and makes it for a very confusing thing, it took me a day of digging into the vehicle to get an idea of what has what and when it was produced and sorts.


Of course it does, the difference between thermals and no thermals is dramatic

So that’s why the Al-Khalid-I and MBT2000 sit at the same BR although one has generation 3 thermals for both commander and gunner whilst one only has generation 1 thermals for strictly the gunner?

The Al-Khalid-I even has thermals for the driver lmao

What about the T-80UE-1 and T-80U, both sit at the same BR whilst one is just straight up better?

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There’s diminishing returns for each jump in generation.

The jump from from Gen 1 to Gen 2 is a lot smaller than the jump from no thermals to Gen 1.

And the jump from 2 to 3 is barely noticeable.

And how often does that get used by anyone in War Thunder?

the newer ones are so high resolution the screens of most WT players (including me) cannot give it justice

Compression. The UE-1 isn’t good enough for 12.0 until the current 12.0’s are decompressed up.

The jump from from Gen 1 to Gen 2 is a lot smaller than the jump from no thermals to Gen 1

The jump between generation 1 and generation 2 thermals is MASSIVE (you know what else is massive)?

Jokes aside, there are times when I straight up turn off my generation 1 thermals since it’s more of a detriment than a pro, generation 2+ thermals on the other hand is like having X-Ray vision.

Why are you so against changing the T-80UD/BE? It’s incorrect and will inevitably get changed anyways, coping to Gaijin won’t change this lmao - it’s almost entirely ahistorical and will change a lot throughout the year (my prediction).


The visuals are, the difference in practical capabilities though isn’t. Its all about spotting targets, one glowing white dot is the same as a higher res glowing dot.

The maps just aren’t big enough for Gen 2 to really make a difference

Because its fine where it is?

You see the irony there right?

You see the irony there right

I’ve made it my new found objective to bug report any issues with the T-80UD/BE which would warrant a BR increase, just to make it so you can’t use your 10.3 lineup with it anymore. I got multiple primary sources to do so, all of this just so YOU can’t play it at 10.7 anymore, have a blessed day. 🙏

I’m becoming unemployed just to do so, my determination to this new objective is MASSIVE



Ok, but don’t come complaining if it inevitably ends up at 11.3/11.7.

If they fixed it, and gave it the Naiza DU round, this vehicle would have been actually worth grinding. I really hope they reexamine it, and put it at 11.0 so you can use it with the MBT-2000 and the early ZTZ99s.


People should stop using this logic to try and move things around.

In order to create a lineup at a certain BR, you actually need to start adding vehicles there.


Late response but oh well

This vehicle wouldn’t be anywhere near 11.7, don’t be ridiculous. The main difference would be the improved engine/transmission and the new Naiza APFSDS which would penetrate around 20mm more than 3BM60.

What vehicle also has similar attributes? The Al-Khalid-I and remind me what BR that sits at (11.0 lmao).

This vehicle would sit at 11.0 comfortably and can maybe move up alongside other Chinese 11.0 vehicles when decompression hits (and this is only if the improvements were added).

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It’s better than almost all other T-80 variants, either 11.7-12.0, former more likely (imo)

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By your own words, it would be a lot better than the Al-Khalid. Shell, reload, overall armor profile.

And definitely better than the 11.0 ztz99’s.

Few things:

  • First of all I suggest to differentiate which reports would apply to the DU-1 and which would apply to the BE.
  • Second, they acknowledged the fact that the designation could be wronged, doesn’t mean they have accepted to change it.
  • Third, I haven’t see any bug report about the different engine and transmission.

A variant with a modified engine and gearbox does exist, but it’s clearly not the one in the game.