T-72M4CZ: Dynamic Firepower

Muh USSR needs moar tanks. Fr tho there is still a insane amount of vehicles Russia made that still aren’t in the game. Russia doesn’t need this vehicle


Can you show me the T-72M4CZ in Russian service?
Can you show me a T-72 with good thermals and good reverse in Russian service?
Germany has more claim to the Strv 122 than Russia to the M4CZ, and yet it’s not in the German tree, so this shouldn’t be in the Russian tree either.


Im starting to think that people like him are just racist. They see Czechoslovakia (Czech and Slovak) then Russia and because we are both Slavs/easter EU, they just think we are same thing, calling us Russian…making me sick


I think it’s more about them seeing T-72 in the name and thinking that T-72= rightfully Russian

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Yeah…pretty dumb.

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USSR shouldn’t get it, like, at all.

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If anything it should be part of a V4, a sub-tree with Poland, or a Czechoslovakia Tree with it’s own sub-tree support. It’s already unfortunate enough we have the M53/59 and T-72M2 Moderna in the USSR tree.


Luckily that things that are in TT can be added into other TT. But the event vehicles like Moderna, that is probably locked for ever. It is like with Finnish KV-1B that Finnish sub-TT should get, but nope because it is a event vehicle. LUCKILY, the Moderna that we have in game with 30mm on the roof is one of 2 versions there was. There was other Moderna that had twin 20mm on it (same tank, just different modification). But still salty about it myself seeing our stuffs in USSR TT.


I hope they bend the rules in this case (since they always seem to change there mind anyway) and add the Moderna, M53/59, Merkava IIID, KV-1B, etc., to there respective/future trees anyways. They really should plan out ahead of time better when it comes to adding different nations into existing trees instead of potentially handicapping themselves later on.

I’m just trying to roll up with (something like this) my Czechoslovakian lineup man:

  1. T-72M4CZ
  2. T-72 Scarab
  3. Leopard 2A4
  4. KBVP M2 RVS/CV90 Mk.IV
  5. AH-1Z/Mi-24V
  6. F-16C/Gripen
  7. Strop II
  8. BOV 8x8 Vydra
  9. BVP-M/BMP-2
  10. T-72M2 Moderna

Do remember the fact that this happened multiple times, like Israeli Merkavas being in US tech tree, or Italian planes for Germany, i think there are more examples, but both of the countries i have mentioned have gotten their own tech tree, or at the very least will be a part of a bigger, yet independent new nation. Czech vehicles might (and hopefully) will be there too.

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For sure but, the big thing I have concern on is the event vehicles specifically since they have market value. Either way I hope for a solution.


True, best case scenario V4 comes with it, another scenario i wouldn’t mind is if its paired with other eastern european countries, although some might see it as not fitting.

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(Very) hot take: Move the current Moderna into the French TT

Regarding the T-72M2's development



With that thinking you can move most of Russian tanks into French TT because they used French components

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Still better to be in french tt than in russian one

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No you can’t, French co-developed the Moderna - it was a joint project. Most of the T-72 modernisations outside of Russia involved the French.

What about Nimda? a Israeli company responsible for the powerplant. Why would France have this vehicle?

I believe we’re talking about different vehicles. I’m referring to the T-72M2s and not the T-72M4.

Oh my bad. Wait a M2? Would you look at that. A Polish engine! Does that mean that it should be in Poland as well?