T-72AV (TURMS-T): Worst glass cannon, my opinion

I’ve had it stop DM53 before. Very rare for it to happen but it’s happened.


I’m sorry what? M1 Abrams, Leo 2, and chally 1 are all louder.

Also on your comment about comparing the 292 to the T72 Turms,

The 292 is hands down a way better tank??? You get better armor, way way way better gun, way better mobility. It was a crime for the 292 to be 10.0 with almost 700mm of pen and a 10kg HE shell

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I played a lot with this t72av, its armor is good for its br. Sometimes is funny to see how it gets hit by rockets and atgms and nothing happens due to its era armor. The t80UD dosnt have thermal image and is not that good anyway, only on city maps as a brawler works properly and the t80u-e1 is a br11 tank facing all the top tier tanks and you wont get the same kills and troliness of the br10 games. For grinding the T72AV is still better than any of the other tanks by far, and you also take advantage of the goodlike lineup soviets have at br10.

Most of those shots went all into the sides.

The video is more proof of good positioning of the player and lack of awareness of the russian mbt.
If you cant kill western tanks from the side thats literal skill issue, every tank is completly weak there

The frontal ones were only criticsl hits if even

The main benefit of the T72 is frontaly and that it is covered so much in era

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Shooting your APFSDS at a T-72AV filled with ERA or a naked T-72A will have the same result with poorly placed shots.

When your sides are penetrable at a 80° angle, they also become a massive frontal weakspot.

Western tanks are nowhere near as easy to OHK via overmatching side armour because they don’t have ammunition stored in the centre of the vehicle and covered over a massive area.


  • 0:08 T-72AV OHK DM23
  • 0:10 T-72AV OHK DM23
  • 0:12 T-80U 2HK M829A1
  • 0:14 T-90A OHK M829A1
  • 0:29 T-80BVM 2HK DM53
  • 0:35 T-80BVM OHK DM53
  • 0:36 T-72B3 OHK DM53
  • 0:56 T-72AV OHK DM23
  • 1:09 T-72AV OHK M829
  • 1:13 T-72AV OHK M829
  • 1:24 T-90A OHK Dm53

82% were one-hit-kills through the frontal armour.

Nobody fires HEAT-FS except stock tanks and vehicles which have no other option.
APFSDS is the threat at that BR and most of it’s common rivals have no issues roflpenning the UFP.

Yeah sorry, but any argument you are making lost credibility for me.

The video you previously posted was deleted on youtube.
Which screams video manipulation for me and deletion of evidence that it didnt spread your naritive good enough

Not mentioning how your new video is 2 years old

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Because I realized I posted the wrong (shorter) one.

This new video includes every single clip the old one did, but adds a few more to increase the sample size. The larger the sample size, the more representative it gets.

The same standards apply, the recording consists of every single shot taken against a Russian vehicle across every match played in succession. The only difference is that this clip adds more shots that were played the next day after editing the first one.

You’re now conveniently dodging the point, 82% of hits were one-shot-kills through frontal armour.
If people struggle to frontally knock out a T-72AV, it’s fully their own fault.

Firstly, recording, compiling and editing those clips takes a lot of time.

Secondly, please feel free to point out any armour changes the T-72AV has undergone since then. If there aren’t any, this clip is fully relevant.

Thirdly, back then the charges didn’t detonate as reliably as they do now, if anything, results would be even better nowadays.

I didnt dosge it.

I saw you manipulating thimgs and it ended there for me.

Besides me being at work and having no time to over analyse those clips.

In the end i saw manipulation and that was it for me

Still would have been no need to delete it from youtube.
This just screams sketcky to me sorry

I deleted it so that I don’t post the wrong video again in the future, you’re just changing the subject to avoid the discussion that you raised in the first place.

Now you’re also dodging the point regarding how the clip is still relevant because the armour hasn’t changed.

Why even start a discussion if you’re then going to completely ignore any of the opposing arguments?

I feel like I’m talking to a wall here.

This clip literally includes all the same ones the old one did.

Yes totaly dodging

You took the effort to check the date of upload, but not the effort to watch a clip that’s just over a single minute in length?

You’ve been spending 10x as much time responding to me here than it takes to analyse the clip.
I even provided you with the timestamps for the relevant shots.


Even though armour of T-72AV isnt anything special with exception being a turret, I wouldnt call it anything bad, I would say tank looks mediocre on paper for me, as closest I can compare it to is T-72B/A which arent bad tanks, but not good tanks either. At least T-72A when it has to fight in constant uptiers, At 9.3 it’s pretty good.
I had to play in full uptiers quite a lot in T-72A, I wouldnt put my experience outright dogshit, it was rather okay.
Only complain really was the shell doing bad damage but that could easily already change. Amd thats to be expected fighting vehicles full BR higher, for them to be superior in nearly all if not all things.
So yeah, consider revising your playstyle or thought on how and what to priorotise in battle. Just as on T-72A your overall mobility, depression and turret rotation are horrible (both horizontal and vertical), although it still can be worked with.
Although unlike T-72A/M1/B/B(1989) you dont have to deal with horrible fixed 8x.
And you dont really have firepower issues other than everyone outreloading you.

On paper it’s mediocre in practice it’s very good. You figure it has the best optics out of any other MBT until about 11.0-11.3, it’s armor stops DM23, L23A1, and M883 (if that’s not the top round for M1 Abrams whatever one that is), and it can penetrate the M1 pretty much anywhere from pretty far ranges, can do basically the same to 2A4, and chally 1 at medium ranges (chally is also very good for 10.0). Its mobility also really isn’t that bad aside from reverse and with how good 3BM42 is you basically nuke a tank in one shot. I just can’t see where this guy thinks the T72 Turms is bad tbh. Sorry for the rant.

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It does not.
T-72AV has 382mm of UFP armour, DM23 120mm penetrates around 410mm and can comfortably go through it’s UFP at average combat distances.


And that’s just the basic T-72A which is slightly lighter, and thus slightly more mobile than the TURMS-T.

If both tanks can comfortably penetrate eachother, then mobility, gun handling, survivability and firepower start to matter even more than they already did.

The T-72AV has SIGNIFICANTLY worse mobility than a M1 or Leo 2A4.
It’s got MASSIVELY worse survivability.
Firepower that’s roughly on-par, penetrates is traded for reload speed.
And MASSIVELY worse gun handling characteristics.


DM23 definitely doesn’t “comfortably” penetrate the Turms. The Turms UFP regularly stops DM23 and the M1 Abrams round when I play and when I fight against it.

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3BM42 nukes the 2A4 and M1 Abrams…… literally one shot almost every time unlike the Turms where you have to aim lower plate or drivers hatch to “reliably” kill the thing in one shot. I say “reliably” because even then it doesn’t one shot it a good amount do the time

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The Turms also has a MASSIVE advantage in optics paired along with the good armor, far better gun, and decent mobility (yes 2A4 and Abrams have better mobility)

TURMS-T UFP is 382mm, give or take.
DM23 penetrates 410mm.

Further, if someone struggles to kill a TURMS-T with 120mm APFSDS, the issue lies with them as a player and not with the vehicle being incapable.
The TURMS-T for me is one of the easiest vehicles to OHK out of any vehicle at this BR range:

There is no difference in post penetration damage between 3BM-42, M774 and DM23, the T-72AV also has BY FAR the worst survivability of any of these three vehicles given it’s lower crew count, more cramped interior, exposed ammunition everywhere and exposed fuel tanks everywhere.

That’s very subjective.
Some people care about thermal sights (generations), others don’t.

It doesn’t have a better gun since it trades reload rate for penetration, it’s on-par with the other two in firepower.

So that leaves us with:

  • Mobility: M1 Abrams > Leo 2A4 > T-72AV
  • Gun handling: M1 Abrams > Leo 2A4 > T-72AV
  • Survivability: M1 Abrams > Leo 2A4 > T-72AV
  • Armour: T-72AV > M1 Abrams > Leo 2A4
  • Firepower: Tied.
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russia main complaining there overpowered premium isn’t more op with a thread of people complaining about other op russian vehicles not being more op. Btw the 292 isn’t a glass cannon when you cannot frontally pen it.