T-72AV (TURMS-T): Worst glass cannon, my opinion

The title is self-explanatory; I just want to open a discussion about a specific vehicle and present my reasons for its removal as an available vehicle for purchase.

The T-72AV (TURMS-T) definitely has a long history in War Thunder, but over the past two years, the vehicle has experienced a significant decline. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve never really had a good experience with T-72 series tanks, except for the T-90A, T-72B3, and T-90M, which are the exceptions.

I still don’t understand how Gaijin, after adding the T-80U-E1, continues to sell the T-72AV (TURMS-T). Unlike other nations, like Israel, where the Merkava Mk. 2D was removed with the addition of the Ra’am Segol, or Italy, where the VRCC was also removed with the addition of the Centauro I 120 RGO.

The T-72AV (TURMS-T) is by far the worst T-72 among the existing ones. It also has the worst composite protection for the chassis compared to the older variant that players have access to: the T-72A.

I believe many will argue that “It has thermal sights,” “It has 3BM42, it’s a good shell,” and so on. But what is more valuable? Good firepower or good protection? I would say good protection because every vehicle at this BR can be penetrated somewhere. A mediocre gun wouldn’t be an issue because I wouldn’t have to worry about taking the first shot and waiting 7.1 seconds while a Leopard or an Abrams can do it 1.1 or 2.1 seconds faster.

I could compare the T-72AV (TURMS-T) with other T-72s I have, but I wouldn’t have as much authority to complain about this pile of useless scrap. I think, even with mediocre protection, lack of a good FCS, slow weapon control, and being one of the loudest vehicles in the BR range, I’ve had a better experience with the Object 292 than with the T-72AV (TURMS-T) since I bought it.

I really suggest no one buys the T-72AV (TURMS-T); opt for a better vehicle like the T-80UD or the T-80U-E1 if you plan to grind the Soviet tech tree.


Speaking of protection, the Moderna is even worse because it’s a T-72A protection that could face 11.3 firepower lol

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Considering the capabilities, despite similar values, the T-72M2 Moderna has better equipment, but I believe what really hinders the tank is its mobility, which is already slow in these vehicles, coupled with the more limited turret rotation. T-72M2 Moderna players rely heavily on protection.

The TAPNA and DYNAS, used together in a sniping position with the 2A42 for support against aerial targets at short and medium range, definitely offer an advantage on long-range open maps.

But it must be a curse because, even with the T-90A, some T-72 receives an upgrade that makes it competitive in terms of protection. I myself struggle to destroy a T-90A at long distances.


When I said it, it was literally a better experience, for comparison:

Object 292:

2.5 KDR;



The reason it hasnt been removed yet is cause it still sells very well. I don’t play the T-72AV so I can’t say this from experience but I have killed my fair share of them and I believe the reason it feels very weak is because nearly all Russian MBTs have had the same weakpoints since the T-64 and experienced players utilize the hell put of those weakpoints (like the lower glacis, mantlet, driver’s sight, and anywhere you can pen and hit the autoloader) along with the fact that it’s an export vehicle and Russia was very stingey with their export vehicles in terms of the rounds they sold, hence why you’re stuck with 3BM42 which from my experience with the Swedish T-80U is still a very capable round albeit outclassed by any round more modern than it. All in all the Turms isnt the greatest but its not like Gaijin will get rid of it since it still plays a part in the horrid Russian 10.0 lineup

Meanwhile i’ve had many a shell hit the ERA on the TURMS and just be stopped dead. I’d argue its one of the better armoured tanks at that BR and Im just glad the Challenger DS now has L26 and so stands a better chance fighting the TURMS. L23A1 did bugger all unless you aimed for tiny cracks in the armour.


Obj 292 is a T-80 without ERA and a really powerful APFSDS at 10.0 so I’d hope it was a better experience

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Did you really called TURMS a glass canon? LMAO!!
That thing had better armor than all MBT in it ranks


Armour doesn’t mean much if everyone can one shot you.

I’ve only ever faced it, but Leo 2A4s seem much more difficult to kill.

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Iirc Leo2A4s have weak lower front plates and ofc the gunner sight, I think the mantlet is also one but I’ve never had the chance to test it

Still not a glass canon and very far from it

If you had battles recorded with the specified vehicle you could say something, at the moment, the nearest experience with a T-72 seems to be T-72B3 on realistic.

In this case, I can conclude that you don’t have the right to determinate it as glass cannon or not, but I must say that, BEFORE it was busted. It’s your opinion but, I think, doesn’t shows any strong argument but fallacy.

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Dude i’m play with glasses canon before name Ariete the real glass canon but TURMS is not one of them


Yeah Turms is in no way a glass cannon, most vehicles that can see it regularly can only pen its weak points, its not like it really faces 3BM60 or DM53 often and if it does its your fault for having a horrid lineup


Something that I have to agree.

This is a whole issue, but I can relate. Also, with T-90A it’s a very buggy vehicle, somehow the Kontakt-5 eats the spalling, I was hit by the side, the shell passed through and only destroyed my Fuel Tank.

In this vehicle you pretty much rely on the gun itself and in reaction time, and pray for not getting Volumetric’d, if you know what I mean, or even worse, the shell going so fast not causing spalling. I had some moments like that fighting M1128.

When you can rely on mobility with most Western vehicles, you can’t on T-72. Sniping positions are often focused by both sides and when abused, gets removed in some patch.

But, can you tell me which vehicles you think are Glass Cannons?

At least for me, yes it’s, It could be worse in my perspective if the game had the real ammo penetration values.

By the way, you just described T-80UD which in protection terms is way better than the T-72AV (TURMS-T) at same BR.

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It’s literally the best 10.0 premium in the game man.
MASSIVE skill issue, learn to use the FCS with the commanders sight and beautiful thermal generation to become a true hunter/killer.
The round is outstanding, and BR is amazing, and the sights on the tanks are perfect! The reload, reverse, and protection are really all that suffers on the vehicle, but the mobility, firepower, and sights are what sets this vehicle apart from the rest.

Or honestly needs to go up in BR a bit…

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It’s at 10.3 currently.

Yeah I wish I could catch that shit when I play the Stryker. What that is is an overpen where the round doesnt hit enough armor to actually spall and goes straight thru a vehicle. Actually means the round is pretty good but nonetheless when facing a Stryker head on aim dead center of the hull and you’ll hit its ammo load, from the side directly underneath the turret.

Even in 11.0 /\ I havent experienced too much hell with 3BM42, though it is a round where you have to aim for weakpoints more than ever. My experience is different though because I am used to using the Swedish T-80U with it rather than the T-72AV (I highly recommend that T-80 for sim btw, its really fun to watch Russian mains deem you not a threat just for you to slide a 3BM42 thru their ammo)

T-80UD has better armor because of the fact its a T-80, honestly the T-72 is better FCS-wise but the T-80 is better armor-wise. The only rounds you should be seeing at 10.0 that will cut through you like butter though are M900 rounds but those will only come from M1128s which are easy to dispatch if you catch them early enough

All in all you shouldn’t be getting shredded too horribly in the T-72 if they arent hitting your weakpoints, hit them moving so its harder for them to hit your driver sight or mantlet, if that ends up well for you then keep doing it. I don’t own the Turms so I cant give tips on playstyle but I can tell you what I’ve experienced facing them down

My point still stand it still a glass canon mobility are one thing but is not make vehicles more armor
“The glass canon” mean when your entire tanks are weak and TURMS are not

When did this happen and why wasnt I informed of it? My Stryker brothers and sisters shall rejoice in this glorious victory

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