T-72AV (TURMS-T): Worst glass cannon, my opinion

The BR changes that followed the implementation of this vehicle. It was quite a bit ago if I remember.

Oh damn I’m slow. In my defense I dont own it though

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I find all Russian mbt to be the exact same horrible experience. Easy to kill when I face them and no one seems to have trouble killing me when I use the either. They all have the same weak spots no matter the version and I rarely survive my first hit.

Now I’m not saying they are bad and they are definitely not the worst in different ways but their downsides like depression and reverse just kill them for me.

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Honestly I feel like I get hit by something cause I love playing the T-80U when I get backups for it after suffering to T-90s and T-80BVMs in an M1A1 for hours on end. Like in the sense of they’re easy to kill but they feel very powerful when I fight them and in turn the T-80 feels very powerful when I use it. I will never miss the turret depression or reverse gear tho

The choice between T-72AV vs T-80UD are depending on your playstyle really.
T-80UD offer better armor (though you still have similar weak spot) and better mobility + better fire power (a bit better reload rate).

T-72AV offer Thermal (gen 2+) and a bit better survival due to ammo in carousel are horizontal. It has okish armor and mobility

If i had both. It would go like this. Small map>choose T-80UD Big open map>choose T-72AV.
If i want 11.0 BR tank. I would go for T-80U-E1

Yup. I am wayyyyy more scared of an Abrams or Leopard in my 9.3 Leopard/Leopard clone than I am of a TURMS, or any Russian tank really.

I and others have said for a while now that Russian tanks are easier to play, but harder to do well in. (Low skill floor, low skill ceiling)


I don’t mean to be “that guy”, but T-80UD only has 3BM42, but it does have the T-80U autoloader meaning a 6.5 second reload compared to 7.1 for TURMS. Also, I would say the T-80UD has better survivability due to the side ERA having a tendency to eat shots, like this

The T-80UD also has better optics than the TURMS so this also slightly offsets the thermals that the TURMS has.

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If it goes up any higher than your KDR in it will drop below negative and your winning rate in it will be lower than 40%, that’s not how you claim a vehicle is powerful and proceed to show that you cannot even perform in it lol

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If you’re referring to my K/D, that was back when I played it a hella long time ago. I brought it out recently to grind some WW2 Soviet tanks and this thing was a blast. Being able to apply new knowledge I had as well as tricks allowed me the easily slaughter enemy teams. The Mango round literally goes through just about everything you’ll face man…

It may have its faults but so does every other vehicle, I believe it is a pretty good premium all things considered.

Take this with multiple handfuls of salt because I am Syrian and am about to start grinding for the Syrian Su-22 to have a Syrian lineup at that BR lol, even if the Su-25 is only a Syrian skin ;)

Oh but I do NOT want to fork over the wallet for the T-72 so maybe when it’s on sale

I’d say mobility.

That’s why the T-80B is the better overall vehicle. It doesn’t match the M1 or Leo 2A4 in mobility, but it’s still a significant step up from the T-64B, T-72B or T-72AV.

It’s UFP being around 385mm RHAe is a bad spot as most APFSDS at this BR pushes over 400mm of penetration, which means:

  • 9.7 120mm DM23 can UFP it.
  • 9.3 105mm DM33 can UFP it.
  • 10.3 L26 can UFP it.
  • 10.3 120mm DM33 can UFP it.
  • 9.7 3BM-42 can UFP it.
  • 9.7 Type 93 can UFP it.
  • 10.0 Type 1985-I can UFP it.
  • 10.0 M829A1 can UFP it.
  • 10.0 M900 can UFP it.
  • 10.0 KE-W can UFP it.
  • 9.3 M413 can UFP it.
  • 9.3 M426 can UFP it.
  • 9.3 105mm DM63 can UFP it.

Funnily enough, the lower glacis of an M1 is actually slightly stronger than the UFP of a T-72AV TURMS-T, yet nobody ever claims the M1 has good hull armour at 10.3.

The T-80B is in a similar spot, it’s got slightly better UFP armour but also constantly faces vehicles which have no issues going right through the UFP anyways.


So what? my point still stand
it not a glass cannon at least not entire tank are weak spot
Ariete is because any where you shot at it
it will pen

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Turms is actually a very balanced tank for its br
Obj292 though should be 10.7 minimum



It’s worse than every 10.3 vehicle and is outclassed by the ZTZ96A.

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Agree, this is 9.3 tank but with thermals and optics, better shell and pretty useless ERA. There is T-72B in tt that have better protection (both B’s), despite lacking better optics and thermals.

Thank you for correcting about ammo part. I must look at T-80U-E1 and misremember
But in my opinion ERA make up for the armor part (not getting pen) not survival ability (getting pen but stay alive)
Better optics are just unique since you would mostly use Laser range finder any way and T-72AV zoom ain’t bad.

Overall, the TURMS is just a weird tank. It has all the abilities of a great sniping tank: strong round, good optics, high-res thermals, CITV. But it’s also a Russian tank which makes it bad at sniping: Poor reverse speed being the biggest issue, but also poor targeting speed and lack of gun depression.

I played it back when I bought it for the Christmas sale last year, along with the 2S38, and my K/D in it is very mediocre, which I think reflects the vehicle itself.

Meanwhile my round with “no issues” going through the UFP when it hits ERA:


TURMS-T has Kontakt-1, not Kontakt-5.

I’ve never had any issues with Kontakt-1 absorbing APFSDS that it shouldn’t have.


I think i’ve seen a TURMS ERA soak a L27A1 before from a Challenger 2. Not too mention dozens upon dozens of round of L23A1 from the Challenger 1s