I’m gonna be entitled with my opinion, as you are not trying to prove me wrong, why T-64A is great. While you just say I’m noob and I don’t play other nations than Russia.
Barely played? So, not barely played it’s only when I get into tier 6 with no prem?
3 not russian vehicles? I don’t have TAM 2IP which was test-drive. I have Leo 2 prem, to get closer to MBT type gameplay as I enjoy it. But still I don’t see why T-64A is great.
Also, what’s wrong with playing only Russia? If person enjoys playing one nation, he shouldn’t play this game by your opinion?
lmfao always trying to under tier a russian tank
A lot of players who say something like this, 99% of the case they are USA mains or someone who also played USSR vehicles but perform horribly in them, wondering why lol
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Compression. Can’t go down, doesn’t fit up
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coming from the russian itself.
Yes, the guy who actually play the vehicle.