T-55a should be at 8.0

seems like youre alergic to killing enemies payers

The T-55A isn’t a T-54 with a stabilized gun, the T-54B is a T-54 with a stabilized gun.

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I’m allergic to wasting rounds, letting my enemy know my position, and having to wait to reload, yes.

In WT, the T-55A is just a T-54 with a stabilized gun and a slightly faster turret traverse. I’m not talking about the T-55A’s night vision equipment.

The t-55a is fine where it is at APCBC with HE filler is diabolical with a full gun stabilizer. That should honestly be your main shell with the APFSDS as back up in case of something heavier. Most tanks 7.3 to 9.3 can be easily penned by that APCBC which results in consistent one shots or heavy crits. I mean think of it this way. Imagine being in an M47 in full up teirs against that tank, in regular engagements you’re at a pretty big disadvantage against a fully stabilize tank with a 100mm gun vs your instablized 90mm.

The APDS is incorrectly performing. It is stronger than the steel APFSDS in real life

So you explain exactly how its better than its predecessor and you insist they should be the same BR?

What if T-54s deserved to go to 7.7 ?
Full stabilization is a game changer on it’s own, now add slightly better gun handling + dart and I think that “upgrade” is worth more than just a single BR step.

T-54s are very sad vehicles, one of few mediums that suffer from “higher tier heavies syndrome” in which they trade most (if not all) things for armor, just to have it negated by vast majority of things at it’s BR.


They dont. T-54s are more than capable enough to deal with vehicles around its own BR. Just cause you can’t appreciate the great gun doesn’t mean its bad

T-54s armor only work against auto cannons and APHEs found in downtiers. Outside of that they have same effective armor as other tanks at 8.0 but lose on gun handling, gun depression, reload speed, mobility, etc.
Yeah, T-54s have APHE and those will make you hate your life if you go against anything decently armored, so APDS at that tier is much more versatile and can pretty much OHK anything it comes against.

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Just going to comment;
T-55A and T-62 still have the aimed rate of fire so it isn’t really accurate. 7 RPM includes the gun recoiling, ejecting the shell, and time to aim the gun.

Just for context in a T-34 85 it can, for about 15 rounds;
Load at ~4.6-5s
Shoot at 1 target ~6.5s

But this is actually true for most lower tier tanks. The rate of fire is utterly divorced from reality, and this hurts armored tanks the most.

But then T-54s should go to 7.7, and the Chinese T-59s too. Type 69IIa absolutely deserve to be moved down cause that thing sucks, it doesn’t even have apfsds like the T-55a

T-55A could be 8.0 with the APFSDS removed and the reload nerfed to the values stated in the T-55 manual sure. Otherwise T-55A is one of the strongest vehicles at 8.3 as it is.

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