T-55a should be at 8.0

T-55A at BR 8.3 with worst APFSDS, and no rangefinder, same with T-62. What kind of logic is that? Most vehicles at the same BR have APFSDS with much better penetration at 60 degrees than 3BM25, and 3BM4. Same BR 8.3; ZTZ59D1, M48A2 G A2, Magach 6B have 105mm M111/DM23 APFSDS; M60A1 RISE (P) has M735 APFSDS… these APFSDS are all much better than 3BM25, and the above vehicles also have rangefinder, all of this is unfair, T-55A should be at BR 8.0.




Why no? Worst APFSDS at BR 8.3 + no rangefinder vs Best APFSDS at BR 8.3 + rangefinder, fair of unfair?

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Absolutely not. The T-55A and M60A1 AOS are the the very definition of 8.3s and perfectly balanced.
The M48A2GA2 is unstabilized, the Magach 6 and Rise P are both 8.7, and the ZTZ59D is simply undertiered.


T-55A is perfectly fine at 8.3. It’s the T-55AM-1 and T-55AMD that should be uptiered to 9.0 given their incredibly good performance (the missles also help alot at keeping it viable in a full uptier).


I’m talking about AB mode, not RB.
The ZTZ59D1 is basically a T-54 (but with better turret armor) + ERA + best APFSDS. The T-55A is basically a T-54(1951) with a stabilizer and worst APFSDS. How fair is that? Oh, I almost forgot, the T-55A has a slightly faster turret traverse than the ZTZ59D1, as does the T-54, however, it doesn’t help matters.

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How is the T-55A perfectly fine in Arcade Battles mode?

It’s barely missing any pen in comparison to 105mm APDS.

  • ZTZ59D1 - Literally 2mm of difference
  • M48A2 G A2 - Literally 2mm of difference
  • Magach 6B - Literally 2mm of difference (also it’s not 8.3?)
  • M60A1 RISE (P) - Is worse than 3BM25 by 43mm (also it’s not 8.3?)

The T-55A has armor much better than 8.0s, and it gets access to APFSDS (which the vast majority of 8.0 do not).

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What’s up with people lately demanding buffs/BR changes to perfectly fine vehicles ?


Nah, this is not nothing new specialy between Russia and USA players.

About the topic. Just no T-55A is fine in 8.3 specially when you can buy the 8.0 stabilized T-55.

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The M728 has a better penetration at 60 degrees - 144mm than the 3BM25’s penetration at 60 degrees - 129mm. The M392A2 has a better penetration at 60 degrees - 134mm than the 3BM25’s penetration at 60 degrees - 129mm.

The ZTZ59D1 has 220mm of cast steel on the front of the turret + ERA, while the T-55A only has 200mm of cast steel. Just 2mm difference?
The M48A2 G A2 has 110mm of cast steel for the turret face and 130mm of cast steel for the UFP.
The M60A1 RISE (P) turret face and cheeks are immune to 3BM25, and the 108mm thick UFP is sloped at 66 degrees.

I am talking about AB mode, not RB.

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The T-55A, a T-54 with a stabilized gun, along with a slightly faster turret traverse, armed with the 3BM25 faced opponents with better APDS/APFSDS. Are these good? The T-55A doesn’t even have a rangefinder, and when paired with a T-62 at BR 8.7 that doesn’t even have a rangefinder with subpar APFSDS, and the T-55AMD-1, it gets uptired and faces vehicles at BR 9.3 - 9.7 with mostly hard-to-penetrate armor from the 3BM25 with poor penetration at 60 degrees.

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But with worst APFSDS at BR 8.3 for MBTs or medium tanks and no rangefinder.

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I have to disagree, despite the T-55A not being that newbie-friendly vehicle, it’s start to be nice and decent when you know how to use it properly, it has a good armor, yet no laser rangefinder but you have to consider that still a good vehicle in close combat situations, the turret and chassis rotate pretty fast for a Soviet vehicle.

Mentioning the Chinese vehicles, they’re just at this BR because yes, you can mostly operate them same way or even better in higher BRs, Type 69 is the better T-54/55, yet, it has APFSDS, Type 71 it’s not good in penetration values, which the HEATFS shows up as a better option until you fight a M60A2 AOS or M60A2 TTS, or anything with ERA,

Mentioning again Type 69, it has a full stabilized cannon, Two Planes Stabilizer, and I don’t know really the reason of such low BR compared to T-55A, but I may guess is Gaijin’s fault with the “player-based skill BR placement”, like they did with Leopard I.

ZTZ59D1 is a “better” Type 59, compared to the Type 69 is just a downgrade in terms of Fire Control System, ZTZ59A is the same thing to ZTZ59D but without ERA at same BR as the Type 59, both D1 and A still uses the Vertical Stabilizer.

Again I don’t know why they’re such lower BR compared to the T-55A, and I think they would perform the same at proper BR. I’ve mentioned the Chinese tanks to point some facts but I still not agree with the possibility of T-55A BR change for something lower.

Is full tabilized tank with APFSDS, basically any other tank have acess to this combo in 8.3, so is fine.

I’m not a newbie, I’ve been playing WT for a long time, and have also completed the Soviet-Russian ground vehicle tech tree. The T-55A has a slightly faster turret traverse speed than previous Soviet-Russian vehicles of the same type, but it’s not better than vehicles of the same type, same level in other countries, frankly it doesn’t help much.

Just because the ZTZ59D1 only has vertical stabilization, is a tank better than the T-55A, has better APFSDS, has rangefinder, is at the same level as the T-55A? The ZTZ59D1 even has ERA. Some other vehicles also have better turret traverse speed, APFSDS, armor,… although not all factors.

M60A1 RISE (P) (AB mode) at BR 8.3, has better armor + ERA, better APFSDS, has rangefinder, has faster turret traverse, has faster reload speed. Wow, that’s pretty cool when T-55A has to engage it at 1000m, right?

In no moment I said you’re a newbie, I said the vehicle is not newbie-friendly, it also doesn’t mean you have played the game for 10 years or something, if you never experienced a vehicle, you should be considered a newbie on it specifically.

And, I mentioned ZTZ59D1, ZTZ59A, Type 59 and Type 69 for comparison, I’m not saying it should stay at the current BR because all of them can still perform good at 8.7 and 8.3. But you can also perform very good with T-55A, I could do some decent matches with it. Usually I only have a vehicle per lineup and I barely uses Backups, so I’m sure it can perform good at 8.3 because 8.7 is a Black hole for downtiers, you’re barely going any further with the T-55A, it’s rare the cases of, where I could remember, me fighting at 9.3.

Mentioning the ERA it seems something you keep repeating, 5 to 30 mm of ERA is nothing against kinetic rounds like APFSDS.

Why do you think Tiger IIs should face T-55s in AB?

Because it has the shell dispersion of a shotgun on top of the APFSDS being bad.

59A uses 100mm D-10, 59D uses 105 L7
both have worse engines, worse stabilisers and even worse turret rotation speeds and in RB the tanks that can stand a decent chance of withstanding 3BM25 around 8.0-8.7 aren’t really common picks.

I got bored of playing in the top tier, so I went back to BR 8.3 to finish crew training, which I had done in BRs above 8.3.

The ERA added to the base armor is no big deal for APFSDS which have good penetration at slopes, but the 3BM25 isn’t that good against sloped armor.