T-44MS (1964): Updating the outdated

  • Super cool!
  • Yes
  • No :-(
0 voters
  • 6.7
  • 7.0
  • 7.3
  • other
  • no
0 voters
Implemented how?
  • Techtree folded with T-44 or T-44-100
  • Techtree independent
  • Others
  • No need this cool tank
0 voters


The T-44M and T-44MS were modernisations of the T-44 tank produced from 1944-1947. As the 60’s were approaching, the T-44’s were starting to get outdated and needed improvements. The modernised tanks shared systems, components, powerplant and transmission of the T-54 tanks. The most noticeable difference of the T-44M from the T-44 was the usage of the V-54 with 520 horsepower (Old V-44 only had 500hp). The T-44MS was a further improvement of the T-44M equipped with even more equipment (which we will get in depth down below) . Sources suggest there were 2 of these prototypes built.

The tank:

This suggestion will be focused on the 2nd prototype because it had more equipment and tools compared to the first. The prototypes(1st & 2nd) of the T-44MS were equipped with the STP-2 “Cyclone” 2-plane main weapon stabiliser. With the stabiliser activated, vertical speed ranged from 0.07 to 4.5 degrees/s, maximum horizontal speed of 15 degrees/s. The tanks also used the standard TSh-16 telescopic sight for aiming. Due to the components of the stabiliser taking up space, the ammunition load has lowered to 35 shells. The 2nd prototype has a few things improved over the 1st, the noticeable improvements that affect gameplay includes:

  • Night vision equipment for commander and gunner. Gunner used the TPN-1 “Moon” and the commander used the TKN-1 “Pattern”. An OU-3 searchlight was also added in the commander’s cupola.
  • The vertical guidance(rounded values for simplicity) has improved from the 1st prototype’s -3 to 18 degrees to -5 to 18 degrees.
  • A footrest for the gunner was introduced, which improves gunner efficiency in-game
  • 2% more accurate aiming and shots.

Sadly, the vehicle was not accepted into service. One T-44MS survives till today, and is believed to be the 1st prototype.

In-game/ game play:

This vehicle will most likely be in br 6.7 or 7.0 . I recommend folding it with the T-44 in the main tech tree. Maybe even 7.3 if it gets access to post war 85mm HEAT shells, but none of the sources mention the usage of HEAT, so for now we presume it doesn’t. This vehicle will mainly excel in brawling, flanking and shooting on the move. Utilising its great mobility to manoeuvre around the map, avoiding heavy tanks front on and engaging them side on. You must also take note of the slower horizontal turret traverse of only 15 degrees maximum.


Dimensions: Same as T-44, except slightly taller with a night vision device sticking up.

Armour: Same as T-44.

Crew: Same as T-44, but loading will be slightly longer due to more cramped interior.

Primary armament: Same as T-44, the ZiS-S-53. But not sure if it has access to HEAT shells.

Secondary armament: 2 x 7.62mm machine guns.

Mobility: V-54- 520hp @ 1900 rpm, 57 km/h max speed

Weight: 32 tons

download T-44MS
T-44MS (2nd prototype)

Gunner’s station (2nd prototype) with increased amount of equipment


The first prororype that survived and was restored





Another T-44, the Russians already have enough vehicles…

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There are only 3 T-44 variants in game, this was a revolutionary tank design for the USSR, it certainly deserves another varaint in game, especially this modernized one.


What I mean is that their trees are already overflowing with vehicles. There are other priorities than another Soviet vehicle that Gaijin will mysteriously buff…

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Understandable, but I am sure other tech trees would get their fair share. Maybe this vehicle can be added in the future when other tech trees get more of their vehicles.

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+1 for 7.0!
With even better mobility than the original T-44 and a twin-plane stabilizer it would be incredible in CQB.


Remember to take note of the slower turret traverse of 15 deg/s. But yes, 2 pane stab really is useful in CQB

For game purposes, it doesn’t matter if the tank never fired the rounds. If it was possible to fire them, it’s a possibility for the game. The HEAT shells were produced in the 50s, so this 1960s tank could easily have fired them. I think it would set the vehicle apart a bit more and make it more unique, so +1 at 7.0-7.3 with HEAT.


Yes but i don’t think it should be TT. Make it an event , BP or best option a squadron vehicle


Why bro… this is gonna be fun!


This looks so fun

very nice tank, with HEAT ammunition, it would be a nice vehicle, and i hope that the second variant will be in the game.

This vehicle has previously been passed to devs?

+1 anyway, I think while the armour is old-fashioned compared to contemporaries, the mobility is okay and the addition of HEAT-FS and a two-plane stabiliser would make this a good medium tank at 7.0-7.3.

For me the low production and BR distance to its predecessor makes it necessary for the T-44MS to be a Premium, Squadron, or Event vehicle, and there is space for it in the tree as a Rank V Premium.

Agree, it will be a good tank that people would enjoy. As for HEAT, I am not sure if the T-44MS is equipped with since none of the sources mention it. With HEAT, it will be good complement for the IS-3 at br of 7.3, and without it will be a good alternative playstyle compared to the T-44-100 in 7.0.

This tank will excel at brawling and suffer at range. Best used for shooting and scooting!

85mm HEAT ammo was produced trough WW2, but it was bad quality. After war HEAT round get better and every soviet tank/gun got it. For example IS4/IS3 got HEAT ammo after war, in 1947/1948 year, and T10A got HEAT and APDS round, that use the cy122 54 too and a new one in 60s, with penetration about 540mm . T44 can use the same ammo like the D44 gun, because the D44 gun, use the ammo of T44 and it use 3бк2 or 3бк2м ammo, the penetration of these shells is 300mm and 350-390mm penetration for modernized round.
Screenshot (258)

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Also the soviets have modernized T3485 until 60s, so they should have got the 3bk2m round too.


This looks so cool!!! Please give it to meeeee!!

Good to know!

Meeee too!

Wow, I had no idea the soviets held onto the T-44 tanks for so long, this is really cool. It would give the 7.0-8.0 range something a little lighter and faster since its quite a HEAVY bracket. +1 especially if it gets HEAT, could be like a tougher alternative to the 906.

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t44 is annouying, but why not lol