T.15 Light Tank - Like a Belgian M2A2

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The T.15 was a Belgian light reconnaissance tank based on the Vickers Light Tank Mk III built in 1935.

Like the T.13 tank destroyers, the T.15 was very lightly armed and armored, and tanks in the Belgian army were often referred to as ‘heavy armored cars’ as not to provoke the Germans.

As a reconnaissance vehicle, it was armed with a 13.2 mm Hotchkiss machine gun and had a good top speed of 64 km/h, with a power-to-weight ratio of 23.16 hp per ton. There also was a 7.65 mm FN-Browning FM-30 machine gun on the cupola for anti-aircraft purposes.

The T.15, here reviewed by King Leopold III

Specifications - T.15


Hotchkiss 13.2 mm machine gun

  • AP: Penetration at 0m and 0°: 28 mm

Rate of fire: 450 rpm

FN-Browning FM-30 light machine gun (Ammo: 30-round boxes)


7-9 mm RHA (UFP sloped @ 70°, effective protection ~31 mm)


Meadows 6 cylinder engine (88 hp)
Max. speed: 64 km/h
4-speed transmission
Power to weight ratio: 23.16 hp per ton


2 (Driver, Commander-Gunner)


Mass: 3.8 t

Length: 3.63 m
Width: 1.89 m
Height: 1.9 m

In-game this would be very similar to an M2A2, but without the other turret obstructing the field of fire.
You would have to carefully pick your targets and use your quick speed to get in or out of trouble, flank the Panzer’s weak side armor and maybe hope for a lucky bounce off your angled upper front plate if you come under fire.

It could go to France along with a Belgian subtree, to Britain as an event vehicle because of the chassis, or be kept for a Benelux tech tree, let me know what you think of it!




Now that BeNeLux has been added I think the most appropriate place for the T.15 would be before the P.7.T. AAA. It should still remain classified as a light tank in game, but that 13mm HMG surely makes it a substantial threat for aircraft around 1.0-1.3.

On a side note I’d love to see not only the T.15, but the rest of the T.13 tankettes. Belgium specifically has big potential to bring unique vehicles to the French tree.

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maybe Carden Loyd with 47mm FRC too… and the FN Tricar is possible considering we have just normal trucks with AA guns…

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honestly I am literally bragging about gaijin not adding anything belgian at all right now, both in mr.boo’s DMs and tried to brag on WTLive but they banned the post. I dont know why cant they at least start with adding premium Leopard 1A5BE or Leopard 1 Cockerill 3105 and then from gaining the cash they would have no loss in making tech tree having T.13, T.15, CATI 90, FN-4RM and the modern stuff. I’m so frustrated nothing like that is in the game right now, I can’t even test drive it. Only the crappy M44 and it’s just american, not even with Belgian ww2 bronze or modern tan camouflage, but just French dark olive


They seemed to be quite fast at adding low tier Hungarian stuff to Italy.

The implementation of BeNeLux hass been quite bad. They’ve just added a bunch of planes (which I agree with), but the ground forces have been completely abandoned.

probably because they have headquarters in Hungary… feeling patriotic perhaps

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Not planes though.


Obviously a +1 from me.

I have a couple more pictures from when it was deployed:


Belgian T15 Tankette

Belgian T15s

Eerste Wereldoorlog

And two pictures from the factory in Heynault:


Militair (1)

Here they were shown off to the public, without their 13.2 mm Heavy machine guns:



The T.15 would be a good start for a Belgian/BeNeLux subtree line for sure, or even when placed as teh first AA in the french tech tree.


very good photo from the factory

it would indeed be a good start but hell, gaijin just doesnt care about low tier for minor nations anymore. As I said before somewhere, we at least need premium domestic Belgian vehicle so gaijin at least takes these shekels and invests into Belgian low tier

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