T-14 Armata mod 2021


I hope the lab can fix her.
Other wise, the new engine from КАДВИ and new powerpack for them should be the option.

A hull is designed around a powerpack. It’s tailored for it. To change a powerpack is to redesign the hull. Principally it should not be an issue since the T-14 is not a mass produced vehicle so there isn’t the consideration of refurbishing a large amount of hulls. But if a different powerpack was something within reach for Russia, it would have been done already before the 2022 invasion renewal.
Russia’s MIC is commendable given the circumstances though.

Gaijin removed this post because it “violated them” or something, they never explained so I’m reposting it until they explain why they’re silencing me.

Testing an APS and deploying one are two very different things. Even in a full paced development the gap between the two can be several years.

As it stands, Russia is entering the 3rd year of a high intensity war in Ukraine and suffered tremendous losses to equipment, yet it has yet to deploy an APS. This is prime evidence of Russia’s inability to deploy a working APS.
Multiple projects since the 80’s including Drozd, Arena, and Afganit have all ended as complete failures.



Can’t we all just upvote it? like i always wanted the T-14, and i don’t see why anyone would not want it in game


he kinda has a point about them apparently not being good enough, if russia already developed 3 different aps systems but never actualy integrated them anywhere that means they where failures in their own eyes. And that is coming from russia which margins are a lot looser then those from the west


Afganit only exists on three different vehicles, T-14 Armata, T-15 Armata and Kurganets-25 which none are fielded yet officially, either way I don’t think this should effect it in game.

still a fact for the other 2 systems then

Arena-M has also been tested, so this again won’t affect its implementation. Drozd was the only mass produced APS the USSR ever created.

The 2S38 isn’t a fantasy vehicle. In fact, none of them are. But the Objects are basically prototypes. The 2S38 isn’t even a prototype or fantasy, though. Unlike the HSTV-L.


the game actually would been very better if there was no prototypes and only serial vehicles , like non 90% of in-game vehicles not serial produced but being in almost every battle

And why would this make anything better?
Same game, same pros, same cons, just a smaller and less intruiging selection of vehicles…


No these experimental objekts and no FVs with VKs

I find this to be unclear.
Even still I don’t see why these vehicles such as the Objekts would be a problem.


Too soon. Vehicles like the Black Eagle and T-72B2 should be added first, and their subsequent equals to NATO/Chinese trees.


Agreed. This would come too soon; however it may be good in like, a year or so when we have more new stuff

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Oh yeah, Object 640 (aka Black eagle) would be interesting top addition. Still, would personally prefer Object 195 for how funky it look (as prototype or even “What if?” as shown in Armored Warfare) and it also could allow Gaijin test how well such tank composition works on anything bigger than IFV

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Can it fire 3bm42?, if not, will it get 3bm60 for stock apfsds?

All standard 125mm rounds can be fired from that gun.

I have no idea what continued development work is happening on the T-14 Armata. But Russia very clearly has built a few dozen prototypes/pre-production tanks of 2 different iterations (in the absence of a known official name we can call the the second version “T-14 obr. 2021”). They physically exist, so they’re presumably fair game for WT. After all, the 2S38 is also still in prototype/pre-production status.

At a bare minimum it won’t get deployed on the T14. The T14 already has a “pause” (idk if it will restart) on T14 production in favor of the T90M, T72B3, and T80BVM right now.