Syrian Arab Republic Flag

I don’t want to get too Political but is it gonna change if the new government changed it? which is what they seem to want to do.


If you mean the little flag on the vehicles info cards, no. There’s several ‘old’ flags from countries in-game who have since changed them (South Africa, Canada, German Empire, USSR etc). It’s about what was used at the time the vehicle was. So old Syria flag is still relevant to what we have in game.

If you mean the roundels and insignia’s, no. As above, we have ‘old’ ones that represents a prior… ‘iteration’ of that state entity. We even have ones for countries who no longer exist in any capacity like Rhodesia.

If you mean in the Decals → Common → World Flags section, again, probably not? Afghanistan still has its old flag as a precedent to draw upon, and that was several years ago now. But who knows, you can never say never. I doubt anything will ever be ‘changed’ though, would probably just be a separate thing. If someone spent 500GE on the old flag, well, it’s not my position to say how they might feel about snail doing a switcharoo on it lol.

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Ah, Alright. and I meant the one in the World Flags Section.

Maybe several years in the future, when everything is settled down, It could be added as some sort of ‘event’ flag once a year to mark a certain date. Sort of like how the Scottish Saltire is put on sale once a year for St.Andrew’s day.

The syrian vehicles in game were made in that configuration under the old flag. USSR stuff still has the USSR flag and Apartheid SA vehicles have the Apartheid flag. Its not for any political reason but for historical correctness.

other than the ww2 german flag because that’s banned in loads of countries