Switching target in naval arcade battl

I do the missions from battle pass that require me to earn 10k points in naval. I play coastal battle and I have issue when I target someone far away and then when I want to switch targeting to another one I just can’t cause it just pans me back to my initial target. Is there a button to cancel current targeting instead of forcing you to fire in their directions to do that?

Same issue help needed! i will uninstall otherwise ok

there is a option in the control setting to mark the target manually not the one you shoot at. Have to look in the game for the exact name of this switch.

I meant option to cancel my current target lock to another or cancel my current target lock cause now I have to spam my cannons in order to switch target lock.

Oh okay seems like it works as Rupert mentioned. Thanks

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a additional advantage is not to loose the fire-calculation when unwanted (automatic) switching to another target. I put the target select to a mouse-button so its quite convenient.

Yes, there is a keybind for unlock target in the general control area. Should be right around the lock target keybind.