"Swimming in Betrayal: Two Players' Treachery Leads to Drowning in War Thunder"

It seems that these two players have the habit of forming a team to disrupt other players who are in War Thunder playing alone. They spent the whole time attacking me with their tanks while I struggled to free myself by turning my own tank to the left, trying to escape from the situation I found myself in. However, as it is evident, the Abrams of one of them, who was further behind, had its track stuck, preventing it from maneuvering and continuing to hit me repeatedly. Meanwhile, the other player was hitting the rear of my tank, forcing me towards the beach. Later on, the two joined forces to drown me, ruining the game for everyone involved.

This unsportsmanlike behavior not only harms the team but also drives away players who prefer to play alone. I have been playing War Thunder since the beginning of 2013, but I am concerned about those who are starting now, as they may be discouraged by cowardly and unfair actions like these.

I would like to know what the punishment from the War Thunder moderators will be for these unsportsmanlike actions.

All you can do is report them. If they get enough reports of it, they do get around to banning serial abusers.

I’ve already reported it in the game’s tab, but it seems like it’s not making any difference. I’d like a response from a moderator…

The forum mods are not the game masters that evaluate the reports that get queued up in the game. You’re not likely to get a response from anyone here.

I think you need to report these clowns via the server replay(s) to get anything done about it.
Check out ‘Streams and Replays’ under ‘Community’.
All the best.

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This is actually a level higher… 2 squadron mates, doing this… This actually goes to senior GMs, then on to the community manager if they aren’t going to do anything.

They’re griefing.

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Here is the link to the match.


Two bullies teamed up to ruin the game for those who just want to hop into a match and have some fun after a day of work. I would be grateful to anyone who can help me. I’m spreading the word on as many platforms as I can to be heard. I don’t want this to happen to others…

Naming and shaming isn’t really the way, but passing it on to the mods and GMs is the true way to get it tended to.

Even though I know I got artilleried by a pair of griefers 2 times, and nothing was actually done about them. They pinned me into a corner on a path and artied us all, then when I respawned they found me and tried to pin but still artied on us.