Swedish Tiger II

Many nations dont even have lineups on some BRs,yet it is not an issue, why it should be issue for Sweden, like they have incredible 8.0 lineup, single 7.0 vehicle okay,then two 7.7s and 2 6.7s. Meanwhile France for example doesnt have a single 6.3. So lets add KT to France instead as they used them after war, it will be much more useful than in Sweden, and unlike them, they used it and it was working. Not sitting on range getting shot at.

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To go into what moyo just said

I’d rather have something “purely” Swedish than just another Sov tank and the likes, as I haven’t reached the highest tier of the game at all I can’t say that I understand how it works in terms of balance (from what I’ve read/heard none at all) and I think we’d all agree that the KRV is a much better idea than the Tig 2 for that case, but from the suggestion I linked earlier a post mentioned that it’d likely sit at around 8.3 due to it kinda being known as the IS.3’s rival so we are still a little as they say “shit outta luck” on the terms for a good addition for a native Swedish tank for that 6.7 slot unfortunately…

btw didn’t take the criticism of the current status the tech trees personally, honestly this is one of the more civil conversations I’ve seen on this platform about the whole “C&P problem”

And just to purely meme for just a moment

The UDES 15/16 and the STRV 2000 T140/40


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Correct. it absolutely does count, but not all copy-paste is inherent badly.

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even if it was 6.7 good luck convincing these idiot HistoRical AcCRucy guys to add the Kranvagn to the TT.

be cause gaijin seems to want every nation to have a perfect lineup at every tier and i guess people got a long with it, i mean it’s very easy to solve Just copy and paste.

Germany post WW2 ranks are obviously going to be filled with C+P (or empty) because the country was literally destroyed and couldn’t develop it’s own vehicles.

Plus both Germanies actively used the C+P vehicles added, the Swedes did not use any Tiger 2’s in active service and it served as a target on a range.

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No its just done badly by Gaijin like most things of late.

Sweden shouldnt get the tiger 2, i still think the strv 121 christian shouldve been squadron and the mi28 shouldve have been added. The only heavy tanks should get are the finnish ones but Gaijin stated that the KV-1B isnt going to finland since its already on germany so i guess gaijin would rather add the tiger 2 instead of focusing on more unique vehicles like the armored t50 and kv1 1942 from finland

Finland is almost only copypaste so that’s a big enough problem already

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how is that a problem

A large percent of the community is against lazily copypasting vehicles into every nation. It dilutes the uniqueness of every nation as well as messes up the matchmaker massively regarding mirror matches. People picked realistic instead of arcade partially because it eliminated most mirror matches once upon a time.

Not to mention gaijin seems keen on presenting copypaste zero effort overnight copies as “content” instead of developing unique vehicles as they once did.


and nations have the same vehicles is problem how

Nations will have the same equipment and that not a issue as you play that nation to play what that nation used what ever that may be

I already explained it, won’t do it again if you’re not capable of understanding.

i don’t see the issue

Copy and paste isn’t a issue

This game you play as nations not manufactures


And i don’t agree with the reasoning


Then you aren’t a reasonable person and just have biases you need to check.The reasoning wasn’t “everyone dislikes this” it was “a large percent of the community thinks this way” and you are just going NO I THINK DIFFERENT IT WRONG", we’re done here.

Biases to who

I don’t agree with your take and now i have biases

What am i bias against




You haven’t answered why im biased

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