Swedish Tiger II

Nah, they can get the F15J kai

Seriously (sort of) we can see how silly this Copy paste is getting or has already gotten. Do we need more and will it ever end?


If I may chime in for a bit already got it all typed out…

Ok but they currently don’t have one, so clearly we need a Su-27 right now!

Grinded all the way to rank 7 Swedish ground tanks without any premium help so of course I am very biased due to time investment. I don’t want some random ass tank to be shoved into the Swedish TT just to “fill space for a clearly dead tree” (not a direct quote) but the issue with Sweden is that due to its famous neutrality, they didn’t produce a ton of offensive minded tanks during the time period (aka the Tiger 2 period) that is currently missing an actually needed vehicle.

Now if you are actually fighting for the good ol’ case of Unique Vehicles (btw the side I personally like the most because IMO Swedish military innovation has peaked my interest for a while now.) You would have to resort to either introducing a bunch of either failed prototype vehicles (e.g Emil KRV).

OR and god forbid OR, we’ll have to resort to mockup (with some detailed plans of course, not just a name and a sketch) and we all know how the “people of the forum” feel about a tank that doesn’t/hasn’t existed outside of a plan or in the worst case a “wet dream” as they are called.

Also if everyone wants to have a whinge about a tech tree having (lets be honest here, mostly Soviet/Russian) tanks.

(btw not trying to fight it’s just a point to be made imo)

Take a good long look at what’s in the Italian ground tree, did they need those vehicles? Which we can current count is 5 Soviet tanks, I personally think they do, does fighting about one god forsaken tank being added to a tree to fill an actually existing gap just so that it doesn’t get a “a-historical/fictional” tank.

If you actually want to make a point beyond “It’s not Swedish so they cant have it” or “Sweden doesn’t have enough so just stick whatever in there even if they weren’t war partners or enemies for a captured vehicle sake.” Then lets talk about whether or not we should embrace C&P or if we should start to understand that eventually, we as warthunder players are going to have to get used to the fact that basically every country that isn’t the main superpower usually had far more prototype/plan military vehicles than actually realistically achievable ones for their military complex to produce.

Or we can just remove every tree that isn’t US GERM USSR due to gaps in the TT /s


ask gaijin, ( all though imo you guys can def wait sweden mains waited an entire year for the JAS39A)

I was kinda hoping it would end, especially after they added South Africa and it was full of indigenous vehicles


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russia doesn’t have a top tier premium, i am sure an iranian F14 would do the Job.

people are mixing up between not needed copy paste vehicles and needed ones, if they want to add mockups and failed projects so all nations can be Unique then the Saab 38 and the Emil are good additions to the swedish tech tree.

After a brief look at the history, the Swedes bought and tested a Tiger II P …

Is that what you want? A Tiger II P?

i mean no one really requested this tank this post is basically to discuss it, if you were to ask me i want the Emil not this tank but its leaked from the same guy that almost all his leaks were right so i guess gaijin wants to add it.

They should’ve gotten a Spanish subtree, which is still copy paste mind you, but at least NATO equipment. As I mention in the second part of my comment, copy paste NATO equipment being in NATO tech tree would make more sense than soviet vehicles

if we should start to understand that eventually, we as warthunder players are going to have to get used to the fact that basically every country that isn’t the main superpower usually had far more prototype/plan military vehicles

I don’t have problem with prototypes and half-prototype vehicles tho? I have a problem with range targets being added as if they were integral part of one’s military, this is absolute bullshit

Slightly off topic rant


But you know what, I could excuse this, not every nation could afford to build a heavy tank during that time, but for what reason do Swedes have the GALL to even ask for more shit they have nothing to do with?
Sweden is BY FAR the best treated minor nation
Swedes got a subtree before older AND worse tech trees got one (Italy and Japan)
Sweden got what-if trialshit vehicles that were NOT needed like the T-80
Sweden gets better Leopards than Germany, the country who literally MADE the tanks AND the armor they use
These are the same people who ask for even more shit while chimping out when THEIR vehicles go to other nations (Gripen to Britain, they even got the 39A an HMD because they cried so much, imagine if Germans did that, oh wait, it happened and NOTHING changed, unlike when swedes cried)
And worst of all, they unironically think they are in the same “minor nation suffers!” group as France Japan Italy or Israel lmao

But to close off the rant and actually answer, I don’t have problem with copy paste if it makes sense at least historically, like the Finnish KV-1. Not every nation needs to have the best of the best vehicles at every conceivable br, especially not when those vehicles aren’t even their own (or used them). Otherwise what’s the point of tech trees? Everyone’s going to have the same tanks anyways

Also, mass exported tanks like the M41 should be treated way different than unique vehicles like the Tiger when copy pasting to tech trees that don’t have anything to do with them.
Same reason Japan got a fake F-16 instead of an F-14 which they actually flew, it’s unique, and I assume Gaijin wants to keep it that way

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See this is where these sorts of “conversations” (a nicer name for thinly veiled arguments) really cause my head to burst. I don’t want every tech tree to have other nations tanks blasted all over it but as people come to the game and as they do, have asked, currently asking and will always ask for other nations, what do you think is going to go into them? Due to the fact that we are actually dealing with real history when it comes to the “enforced” (big cough there) Rules about whether or not a tank can be added to it will instantly negate basically all future nations being added to the game due to the partnerships that were made during the war era’s creating an overlap of military stock.

I could very well be wrong but hey, as the tag for this chat says

What do you mean you “waited”, the Gripen came exactly at the right time and it’s still the best dogfighter in the game

I’ll replay for the off topic rant in other message but this message for the othert things you said.

I agree with you, copy paste that makes sense and IS NEEDED can be added but when it doesn’t it shouldn’t be. i need to remind you that LITERALLY no one is the entire community asked for a tiger 2 P for sweden not even sweden players themselves and for some reason gaijin decided to add it. I personally don’t have a problem with proto vehicles too but a hugeeeee chunck of the community doesn’t want them so that’s another complicated problem you have to fix.

i could say remove the F16AJ and tease you but i won’t (based on your words). but hey man people are justifiying the R2Y2 Existance and the Ho Ri so why not add the Saab 38 and the Emil Kranvagn and others if there were any, sweden needs it and they are better then something like the king tiger 2P

Go ahead and do it, I don’t care, unlike Swedes who only play 1 tech tree, thus want every vehicle in THAT specific tree, I actually play multiple, I lose nothing by not being able to play the AJ
If anything I would be happy if it was removed, because then people would not have an excuse to ask for even more outlandish additions, using the F-16AJ as a scapegoat

I’ve been asking for the tiger II (p) for Sweden so this isn’t entirely true. Also don’t forget about the f15a/c/e (USA) and the ostwind II (ger). Gaijin will add anything if it fills a gap.

personally i think something like the Emil kranvagn is much better then a king tiger 2P, for 4.0-4.7 they can add KV1C

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