Sweden should also get Gripen C

I’m not caught on, where is the Gripen C? Where did they announce it for the UK? Really bad decision!


They announced it on the dev stream on the tree though we don’t know where it’s located

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Classic Gaijin mind games.


Then you didnt read the comments correctly. There is a major difference between JAS 39 C and the JAS 39 A. Whats the harm in adding the JAS 39 C to Sweden and UK. There is none and when then tell us why Gaijin doesnt wanna do it.


Not to mention the loadouts the A get are completely fake.


Not quite. JAS39A was constantly upgraded through its service life to the point when late JAS39A were pretty much in C standard. Not to mention the fact that all JAS39A got modernized to JAS39C. What we’re getting in game is some very late A batch which is why it carries what it carries.

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Which is shows how dumb was that choice.

They basically giving us Gripen C but without its some important features and for what? To force Swedish players to grind extra one plane so they can profit more.

If it is a late A, why not give Sweden the C? I get the late As did carry this, but it is essentially a C at that point whilst missing important features. Which they are giving to the English.

Also personally not sure we should get a late A instead of a C, an early A with a C, sure. But not a late A.

I have no idea. As I said many times already I think we should get the A with only AIM-9L, dumb bombs and mavericks at 11.7 and JAS39C early with current loadouts at 12.0, then JAS39C late in the future with later batch upgrades (better engine for example), AIM-9M and AIM-120B at 12.7. I just wanted to clarify it’s not ahistorical for A to carry these weapons.

Yeah, I was a bit harsh to call it ahistorical. It is not what most would understand to be a Gripen A is probably the most fair way to put it.

What does this image even mean? It’s simply wrong because it claims that the “JAS-39NG” has a T/W ratio of 0.88 which is wrong, that’s the ratio for the “A” variant, and the “NG” or “E” variant is somewhere around 1.1. It also claims that the G-rating is 9 g’s which is technically correct but misleading as the pilot is able to pull 12 g’s in case of emergency.

Yeah, it’s sad many people don’t realize that.
Delta wing drag is a myth perpetuated by people that don’t understand how underpowered Mirage 3’s engine was for the delta wing design.


" * Test Data is Based on a JAS-39C. "

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For starters, the data is from the official Indian report, used to help the nation decide what aircraft they wanted, if you wanna argue with India then go ahead.

Next, the asterisk literally shows that the data is based on Gripen C, because when they were testing the Gripen NG, it wasn’t finished yet, and India only tested what was available at the time with a massive internal disclaimer, that it was likely to improve. For instance they scored the Eurofighter without the AMK kit, AESA radar, Improved EW suite, Improved ground attack upgrades etc…

And finally, whilst 12 G is possible, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t stress the airframe, it just means it still satisfies the ‘get me home’ baseline of aircraft development. Furthermore i’d be highly surprised if the majority of modern fighters cannot exceed their listed G Limits, they’re there for airframe preservation.

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You mean the same nation who claims NATO equipments and ammunitions are inferior compare to Russian ones?

Most aircrafts designed and produced to withstand excessive stress in order to save pilot and itself.

Thats why other planes also exceeds their official G limits in Warthunder.


No to burst your bubble but indian uses some western stuff like the Rafael

Why do russia mains find it so hard to believe a soviet museum piece air frame could be out performed by a modern one?

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İt doesnt change what i just said.

They always underestimated NATO equipments and gave most of their praise to Russian ones.

Recently their visions on Nato equipments started to change, thats why they decided to buy Rafale instead of more su-35 and su-57.

Same goes for Turkey, those arrogants claims F-35 and F22’s are inferior compare to their upcoming fifth gen plane which bs considering they didnt even produced 3rd or 4rd gen before, let alone the 5th gen.

Because they have ego issues when it comes to bein the best, its not surprise that their ego crushed by USA multiple times so therefore they cant accept anything less then bein second in arms dealing.

Meanwhile they couldnt even produced thermal imaging system for their tanks and bought second gen thermals from French, they only managed to produce same equipment with domestic sources recently.


isn’t the difference between gripen A and C the hard points? correct me if i’m wrong but gripen A has 6 air to air pylons and the C has 8 of them.