Survivor reward no more given in game!

Twice today I achieve the “survivor” task and … NO REWARD GIVEN

And another !!! that makes 3 in a row !!

Hasn’t lost a single vehicle (whether aircraft, tank or ship) whilst destroying more enemy vehicles than any other players of both teams (should be at least 5 enemies destroyed). No multiplier.

In 1st game, I think player from enemy team had the same amount of kills as you and bigger score - so you didnt get Survivor.
2nd and 3rd - enemy team player has more kills than you.


But he lost a vehicle !!
In all battles I was the player who did the biggest number of kills without losing my tank
In french , text is clear : Did not lose any vehicle and destroyed more targets then any other player WHO DID NOT LOSE HIS VEHICLE
French definition is pretty logical as otherwise you should Heavy metal Fury AND survivor

French def is clear, but it’s wrong. Survivor’s always been that way. You have to not die AND get more kills than everyone else, whether they died or not. Bug? Maybe. But it’s been that way forever.


The key is the word “whilst” which might not transfer in the translation. Translations are known to be wonky at times so you can make a report/suggestion if the French translation is wrong (I presume it is).