Survey on the French sub tree

based on the recent leak (which is yet to be confirmed) there are 3 new tanks planned for France. All three of them are Dutch Leopard 2.

i didn’t look deeply into those variants of the Leopard 2. but from what i saw it includes a few modifications over the German variants

  • Dutch radio
  • Dutch machine-gun
  • Dutch smoke grenade launcher
  • Dutch made driving system (i am not sure what it imply)

Outside of this, it would be the same as the German tank. There would be no additional armor, no difference in the engine or transmission, the same 120mm, and not even a new roof turret or ballistic computer. In other words, it would be copy-paste.
Since the addition of BeNeLux, we saw in the French tech tree the addition of 11 aircraft and 1 tank that are identified as BeNeLux’s vehicles. of them, an unimpressive 1 single vehicle is a unique vehicle…

So far the BeNeLux sub-tree is unimpressive and does not add anything interesting to France. At least nothing that France needed or couldn’t cover on their own.
it appears BeNeLux was just an excuse to throw a bunch of copy-paste to France and claim they give them something fair. talking about it to the community from BeNeLux and the Community from France, it appears that neither France nor the Belgian, nor the Dutch (sorry I find no one from Luxembourg) are unhappy about it. not only half were in opposition to the idea to start with, but they all agreed it is completely disappointing.

and now it is appearing that 3 new MBTs are coming to fill the tank and add to the line-up of 4 Leclerc at 11.7… because France surely needs even more MBTs for this line-up.

what France needs for the top tier is not a new MBT, it’s a new light tank and support vehicle. the Vextra was a much-needed and welcome addition. with the addition of the OFL 105 F2, OFL 105 G2 or even the OFL 105 G3, the Vextra would be fit for a much higher BR and move to Rank 7. Many other vehicles could be added. Besides, right now it is already used in the French line-up to most players that are playing at 11.7, despite being 9.7 and having a weaker round, it still does the job. France has a huge number of vehicles that are still capable of being added, including the MBTs. for example, there is the MSC. the two versions of EMBT 2017 or 2022 and even the Leclerc Evolution or Leclerc Terminateur. all deserve to be in the French tech tree (the EMBT also in the German) which makes it feel a waste to see 3 Leopard 2 being added to France when there is still so many vehicles to add. France is not Like Japan or Sweden. they have a lot of vehicles still capable to be added to every single rank. it can match the Russian, American, or German in the number of choices they have.

so what does the BeNeLux add to France? Copy-paste? Is it just a way for the developers to just give easy cheap stuff instead of working on actual vehicles?

here I am asking the community to speak and vote. with some hope, Gaijin will change their mind and stop feeding the community with unneeded sub-trees. Sweden needed one and got it. Japan needed one and still have nothing. France, the UK, and Italy didn’t need one, yet Gaijin gave them one. Germany is about to get one, and there is a Plan for China and Russia as well. but the question is why?

Why does the tech tree have to exist if it’s full of sub-tree filled with copy-paste found in other tech trees… at this point just remove the tech tree system for every nation and let the player play whatever they like. it is ending up like this already so why bother to pretend there is a different nation to grind?

please vote below according to your honest opinion. I only applying for France but feel free to comment about the other nations if you like as this issue might affect them too.

[What is your opinion on the sub-tech tree for France?]
  • It should be removed
  • they should not add the copy-paste
  • I do not mind
  • I like it
0 voters

It should not only be removed, but it should also become its own TT.

A good number of the sub-trees(and some of the ones planned) should have been its own tech tree or part of a multi-nation one.


removed from the french tree im fine with what ever they do with the vehicles

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That’s what I said? or did you accidentally respond?

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the G1 is a nice plane, and the only vehicle that is not a copy-paste in this whole tree. i know that many are variants unique to the BeNeLux which is fine to have them in an independent tech tree for BeNeLux, but in the French tech tree when there is so many french vehicles to add… it’s kind of insulting.


meant to click close and not reply didnt finish my message lol


The most upsetting part to me is the Switzerland situation and the weird idea of every nation MUST have a sub tree instead of just giving what tech fits each nation.



The BeNeLux had more than enough to be an independent tree and be mostly unique, with lower BRs and decently at higher.

To me, the BeNeLux shows the true nature of sub-trees clear and day. They where never to give other nations representation in-game, they where to buff the host tree without fixing/making its unique stuff.

(I’m going to wright up a general sub-tree rant give me a sec)


Totally agreed. So far the Benelux sub-TT is a total waste of time and should never have been a thing.

But what make me sad above everything are those poor bastards wasting their time suggesting dozens and dozens of perfectly valid and unique vehicles, just to see Gaijin adding some German copy-pasted crap everywere.

It is what it is, but at some point, mediocrity will backfire at Gaijin.


switzerland have way too much vehicles for Germany to handle. on the ground, it has more than Japan and it have more than Sweden on the air and ground.


The Mirage 5BA is unique, also, however your point still stands.

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Or ebrc jaguar


Due to how close Belgium and Switzerland are militarily, BeNeLux + Switzerland would have been great. Switzerland has enough for ground on its own, however would struggle for air, which is where the Netherlands and Belgium jump in.


the EBRC Jaguar is one of those vehicles mentioned that would be more needed than a new MBT in the upper tier. but there is also some others.

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in the air, it would have just enough, but if you add an Austrian as sub tech tree, since Austria is politically and historically has close ties, it would beef up the air tree very well and make the tech tree an Alpine tech tree.

austria has a few unique vehicles, the SK105 and 4K 7FA family do add some interest. but it’s mainly the addition of actual conventional tanks for rank 3 and their aviation that makes them needed.

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With a gargantuan amount of foreign vehicles. I would rather avoid another Israel.


D3800 family (7 aircraft), C3600 Family (5 aircraft or more) the P-16 family (at least 5 aircraft) the Aquilon, the Milan, the D.27 family, and the C35 family. they do have a lot of interesting aircraft regardless. too much for Germany to handle in their tech tree.


more reason for it to be spread out among nations or be its own nation

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Majority of these are either unsuitable (especially the reserves, they are much worse than even the current worse reserves), are direct copy pastes (Bf 109s, Mustangs, etc.) or licenced production copy paste (Doflugs), aren’t in the game but would more suitably fit with their original country of manufacture (RO.37), or not built (one of the EFWs).

I like that our vehicles are going to France.