Super Mystere B2 always overheating after the update

it became just unplayble you can’t even have the throttle at 100% without overheating the engine and af is unsable. tf did they do?

edit: Did some test and it seem to instantly go to overheat at around 1500m

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Nothing has been changed. I spaded it last month. Decent 9.0

Skip it.

did you try to play it after the update? because i’ve been playing it for like 4-5 month now and it never overheated like that

Might as well skip any non-meta plane at that point, SMB2 is interesting and viable

nah it’s a good plane i’m using it to grind mirage but after this update it basicaly unplayble

Just confirmed in test flight. Yeah, that’s pretty close to unusable at the moment. That afterburner is the only thing keeping it in the air after a singular turn. And I was just grinding it too. Figures.

The Israeli version still works fine. I don’t have the French model.

SMB2 is fine unless something changed today, and I don’t think it did.

it did. Now the plane always overheat for no reason. Try to fly above 1500m you’ll see

Test fly it. Just full accelerate off the runway and put it into a gentle climb. Even on 100% thrust no afterburner, the engine will start to overheat (Right into the red, no yellow or orange) after a minute or two.

There’s nothing in the patchnotes that suggests it had been changed, (The only change being the Israeli one losing it’s CCIP for bombs) but as someone who had been grinding it out and now cannot, I can assure you that something changed.

Just went to report it, it’s apparently a known issue with the Super Mysteres and the F-100s.

I can also find posts reporting it on the dev server, which went unaddressed. Just in case anyone was still under the false assumption that the dev server is intended to catch and fix bugs, rather than just hype people up for new vehicles.


it’s fixed!