Super Étendard

Yes, they have been introduced a few weeks ago when they change the BR for attack plane in GRB. It’s sad that they give the missile now when they have claim that the plane can’t take them at first.


Yes, it is regrettable that it took so long to recognize that this missile was legitimate on this plane.

Next step, the Magic 2 missile…and may also be the Damocles pod…😅….in few years….😢


And maybe in 10 years the Exocet, there is still some hope


Nice vidéo about Etendard / Super Étendard


Will there any attempt to fix Super Etendard (and also Etendard IVM) combat flap bug? It’s still persisted since its introduction, and yet Gaijin haven’t made a move to fix it.

What’s the bug ?

Hopefully never. I don’t want an 11.3 Super Etendard. At least not the one currently in game.


When you turn in speed around 1000-1100 km/h with combat flap, at it initial turn it can pull much harder then all of sudden your aircraft is bricking and cannot turn unless you turn off the combat flaps again. It’s been 7 months since the bug report, but it still open yet as it never been investigated by the devs.


Yeah I saw that, it’s a bit of weird bug but it isn’t as weird as the plane nor automatically opening the slats

On the Super-Etendard, the consideration of bugs is very random or even non-existent. As for their correction, it is unfortunately not at all a priority for developers ☹️


Do you know any moderator that can be mentioned to help follow up this bug so the dev can investigate it?

Gunjob may help

I know he is not a Aircrafts specialists, but Wareta is quite active when it comes to French reports

Hello @Gunjob can you investigate this? It’s been a months since of Etendard IVM and Super Etendard Combat Flaps still bugging up until today.


also this from december never came to live if it was ever on dev for some reason.

As for instructor issue like on SEM with flaps or Vautour 2N Late is really weird nothing in their flight model files say they should become a brick compared to not bricked parts so no idea what causes that except some error in instructor code.

Theres a lot of french reports sitting in limbo but instructor bricking the plane when u put combat flaps on should be rather high priority since it affects gameplay obviously sadly resources are limited and some bugs need to be put back. Sadly report site works really badly for old reports you are better off making a new report and not in english to be passed on sometimes.


In don’t know about the real aircraft but in game the combat flaps cause the aircraft to compress badly when it’s approaching it’s top speed.
At lower speeds they do what they should.

If memory serves that has been the case since introduction for Étendard and Super Étendard both.


Well, they probably wouldn’t read this thread because this thread is literally dead town lmao.